There is always that vanishingly small chance this is a real person confused as to why nobody responds and their accounts keep getting banned. :-)
There is always that vanishingly small chance this is a real person confused as to why nobody responds and their accounts keep getting banned. :-)
Call me a skeptic, but I think offering “hyper-organization” as a solution to those too lazy to organize is probably a non-starter.
If it was such a blunder, perhaps everyone in management that mindlessly approved the firing should be fired.
I was going to make a snarky quip like “guess he’s never actually used oracle”, but then realized he IS oracle.
When you design your whole project/house around the edgecase of it being easily climbable (as stairs) if it ever falls over at 45 degrees.
Ha! Next you’ll tell us these magic machines are nearly free and self-replicating!
Peak CPU?!? Hoping for some kind of graphene terahertz breakthrough.
Wait… so… this was not a joke? They’re serious?
No, no, copilot… I said jindar, the jedi master.
Which version of TempleOS?
What version of Docker do I need to run your container?
Spoiler: they all do
So digital bagpipes are somehow better?
I wonder if Google would even bother to do the reverse. Is anyone searching for bing?
I’m surprised they are not all 200%, didn’t the money supply double in that time period?
I read someone saying the bandwidth is costly.
Well… OS could also mean open source, or operating system, and still work well enough for an acronymic moniker.
pmos - Memorable as akin to CMOS, except it is a Package Manager for Open Suse.
Of all the sources of truth, why pick auto-complete?