You’re right, getting money out of politics is necessary for correct decisions to be made by the government.
You’re right, getting money out of politics is necessary for correct decisions to be made by the government.
The type of traffic shaping you are thinking off can still be done under net nutrailty and was never an issue.
Or how about this:
The body is a super complex chemical eco-system. Messing with it is understandably super difficult, if you do not want to cause damage. All drugs have side effects. Known or otherwise. Using drugs for any reason is like throwing a funnily shaped wrench in to a factory you do not fully understand. It always causes problems. In medical science we try to figure out what type of wrench causes the least destruction while providing some benefit. We then weigh the benefits against the downsides. Leave these decisions to someone that has dedicated their life to this science. Let them make educated guesses for you. Instead of you just guessing. Generally, don’t use any drug unless you have to. Stop as soon as is recommended by your doctor. Assume that any drug you use, will have a permanent, accumulative detrimental effect on the body. Just to be safe.
So prices will go up until you and me will get around with rickshaw. Whoever is poorer pulls the other. And while we bump forth; we wont have to worry about continued plastic pollution. Our rickshaw is made of metal and wood.
How does that affect you instagram influencer browsing experience?
That lab sample must have been a single diode emitting for a nanosecond or something.
“exceeds human performance” … in crushing whatever it is gripping, right?
Neat! * thumb up *
I feel out of the loop here. What’s a homework site?
I suspect this was also her income source. She had a monetary incentive to draw eyes to her profiles. It’s tempting to take risks when one sees a way to improve their livelyhood.
There really needs to be laws requiring any smart device to have, like, 20 years of security patches, customer support and liability if anything goes wrong. If they want to place a device, that they insist needs internet access, in my home, they need to, at the very least, pay their way.
I guess it’s hard to figure out if your audience wants to see more of your character or if they are tired of them and want something new. When I watch characters in danger situations, I am mostly not in much suspense. By default, I assume the characters we follow are going to survive to the next scene. When they don’t, I am usually surprised. I guess it’s really about if you want to see stories where character find themselves in danger situations. I’m all about realism, but I kind of understand that following one characters story rather than having to reintroduce new ones all the time is probably better. If they keep dying I will probably not care about them and not be very invested.
In band of brothers allot of the characters end up surviving the war. Some didn’t. But I think the survivors were the most interesting to follow. And that is based on true stories. The survivors are the ones I remember most fondly.
“Young” and “playful” probably.
Photoshop has existed for quite some time. Take photo, google naked body, paste face on body. The ai powered bit just makes it slightly easier. I don’t want a future where my device is locked down and surveiled to the point I can’t install what I want on it. Neither should the common man be excluded from taking advantage of these tools. This is a people problem. Maybe culture needs to change. Limit phone use in schools. Technical solutions will likely only bring worse problems. There are probably no lazy solutions here. This is not one of those problems you can just hand over to some company and tell them to figure it out.
Though I could get behind making it illegal to upload and store someone’s likeness unless explicit consent was given. That is long overdue. Though some big companies would not get behind that. So it would be a hard sell. In fact, I would like all personal data be illegal to store, trade and sell.
If I were Mr Monk, I would be distressed with their choice of writing 80 Gbps, when they could have written 10 GBps. Just a nice round 10.
The dishwasher also reduces clean water usage by a significant amount.
Let’s use that money to build an orbital ring instead. Would be cooler and more useful.
…If you are expecting wild profits, year after year, ever increasing. Turns out that’s unsustainable.
How can you just keep going? Do you not come or do you not have a refractory period? Don’t you get tired during the refractory period? Are you perhaps suffering from some other mental problems that won’t allow you to sleep? Are you napping allot during the day? Do you sleep for a long time in the mornings? No set alarm to get up, shifting your hours forward?
Not sure I understand the reasoning for discontinuing. Google standing in the way? Not enough f-droid users benefiting from it? It didn’t see development cause it was already feature complete?