Just get ltsc image from Microsoft and crack it. Its much less of a hassle
No I meant putting it on a vps and giving family members login access so they can all save their photos and share within the network
Is this for families to share photos privately?
Mailinabox it works. You are in control.
Been using it for 2 years. No problems.
This is a stupid argument. I have seen Orion browser support BOTH Firefox and chrome extensions right now so why cant Firefox do own extensions?
Yeah. Preferably free ones without cancerous ads
Is dht11 supported in the binary sensor? I installed the hacs and the addon but did not connect it yet.
Is your list shareable?
So solidarity with Israel is “cool” and “supporting the cause” but god forbid you actually say something for the oppressed. Fuck them
I have a question.
I never pay for Netflix, prime or whatever. Only watch movies on yts for example.
There is no reason for me to “pay for floatplane” because I don’t have that kind of money coming from a third world country with a much less purchasing power to US$
The end result is simply, if I am pirating some content, I wouldn’t otherwise pay them because I don’t have the means.
The “lost sale” argument doesn’t hold when I have to go through dozen hoops.
So, what does “ethics” have to do with this? Let’s talk about floatplane only.
The pirater who leaks the content paid for it once and suppose I acquire it, why does it matter have I paid for it or not? Its not a case of bread from a bakery shop that they can’t sell so what gives?
Why should I have ethical issues with pirating it?
You should approach the same fuck first approach to Israel and the us with what they are doing in Gaza and Lebanon while you are at it. That would show your adherence to standard behaviour in the light of current genocides going on.
Sure Russia is bad so fuck Russia but do you have the balls or boobs to say fuck Israel ?