It may be hard and take time, but it sounds like it would be worth at least starting the process and slowly take steps to move. If they’ve done this, what’s the likelihood that they’ll do something even worse later?
It may be hard and take time, but it sounds like it would be worth at least starting the process and slowly take steps to move. If they’ve done this, what’s the likelihood that they’ll do something even worse later?
I’m not sure.
Perhaps getting computer vision that’s reliably better than humans costs a lot of money that a project like OpenStreetMap doesn’t have?
I only read the text, didn’t watch the video, but from the text it didn’t sound like that’s what they were describing. It sounded like they will present images to people and ask them to confirm whether or not there’s an object there?
We introduce “MapTCHA”, a CAPTCHA that leverages the uncertainty of interpreting imagery with computer vision, and provides human verification for AI predictions: users are asked to identify images containing correctly interpreted objects, e.g. building outlines.
Edit: also, here’s the github they seem to be working from - https://github.com/ciupava/maptcha_dev
Edit 2: I hope they succeed, because it would be great to have an open source captcha that benefits everyone.
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Absolutely! What’s weird is that Teslas have been top-rated for crash-worthiness in the past, so there are a few possibilities I can think of:
What was that rule of thumb for taking multiple choice tests? If you don’t know the answer, always select “all of the above”?
Cybertruck will have 14.52 fatalities per 100,000 units — far eclipsing the Pinto’s 0.85.
Holy shit, that means the Cybertruck fatality rate is around 17 times higher than the Pinto’s!
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Apple maps if you have that option. Probably not the best for privacy, but better than Google maps for privacy and better than most of the alternatives for navigation.
Awesome, thanks!
That sounds awesome! Is it a Unicomp EnduraPro or is there some other option?
I think it works fantastically well. I personally like it much better than a touchpad. It lets me move the pointer without taking my hands away from typing home position.
You mean TikTok wasn’t a campaign issue? I agree. I think I understand your argument now.
But from what I recall, that’s exactly what happened with the Iran hostage crisis too: they were freed on the day of Reagan’s inauguration after he took over from Carter.
I’m not sure I would go as far as saying that the trends are tipping toward smaller communities again, but we can hope.
Good points, thanks.
What’s insane is that didn’t Proton just recently announce they were converting to a non-profit?
Yes, they did: https://proton.me/blog/proton-non-profit-foundation
We need to make this brilliant idea a real thing. Great project for people who are good at and enjoy photo manipulation.
I don’t think either of those are major issues. I happen to think that Mastodon is OK, almost catchy. Their mascot is very cute too. They officially did away with the Toot terminology quite a while ago, like a year or two, but some instances modified the code to keep that, and the old hands keep calling it that too. Also, keep in mind that I said that I fully expect Mastodon to stay a minor but viable player. It’s never going to overtake a corporate behemoth like Meta, and most likely not even Twitter.
I hear what you’re saying and think you have a good point. It’s very likely that Mastodon will stay a minor player, but I also think it will live on as a viable alternative to the major social networks. There are a lot of people dedicated to developing, running, posting, etc. to keep it lively. There is also the factor that Mastodon will always be there if (when) X or BlueSky stumble and make a mistake that will send another chunk of users over.
That’s a valid concern.