Other than messing with my scaling and two incompatible applets it just runs absolutely fine. Glad I waited for a week - was thinking about installing it from testing.
Other than messing with my scaling and two incompatible applets it just runs absolutely fine. Glad I waited for a week - was thinking about installing it from testing.
Not the onion - but the tomato badumtiss
Same shit, different corporation. They established sort of a monopoly by lower prices and venture capital. Now they start to collect large amounts of money and go down.
For the lazy people out there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd6C0y8xc20
I use rofi (on my machine with dmenu theme) and after some digging I found this: https://github.com/Dartegnian/rofi-metro You may use this on any distro as there are very few dependencies to run this simple launcher :)
I use Youtube via the channels RSS feeds. If there is a short I mark it as read and read on.
uberspace might be what you are looking for. you get a fully maintained mail setup, 10GB of storage, a dozen preconfigured services, a nice wiki and a very cool team of nerds. starts at 5€/month and you can buy your own domain elsewhere (i use inwx).
youtube-dl has the ability to extract audio
Try mpv then ;-)
Haha, so you move from one bad decision to another? Being stuck at a lousy cloud company? Oh my!