But think about it. Even small companies will self-censor in fear that the government will act against them. Every company exists in hope of being big enough that they could have a target on their back. Yes lemmy operates at a scale that it can be considered a personal project and will likely stay at that scale. But that’s not the majority of social media. Maybe it was a bit of a joke on my part to say Lemmy would be targeted. But I don’t think it’s ridiculous that American business owners should think woah the government will intentionally wreck me and try to sell me off to their friends if there is some 100% legal and reasonable conversation on my platform they don’t like.
Either there are principles to protect you or there aren’t. The fact that we have a politician openly saying we attack companies to buy them cheap or ask for half should be pretty fucking scary to anyone who owns a business.
The Eastern European countries for a long time were said to lack economic development precisely because of corruption. This is exactly the kind of interaction with government that caused that. The idea that it doesn’t matter because they are big and I am not doesn’t work. In the long run small businesses will be more vulnerable if the principle doesn’t stand that the government can’t attack you and sell you off to their friends. If that principle is gone then it’s gone.
And Donald Trump saying “We destroyed your business so we should get half of it” is a very scary precedent. You know that’s what the Israeli settlements do. The will burn the olive groves of neighboring land owners and then say, your land is worthless, sell it to us for a quarter of it’s original value. You are now in ruin you will need the cash. They will often do it in the night, but I saw video evidence once of an altercation where they were openly burning a farmer’s field in the day time right in front of him. But there was an IDF soldier ready to shoot the farmer if he tried to defend his fields physically. An entire family’s future going up in smoke because someone else wants a deal on buying land not by producing anything of value themselves but by destroying things.
In a lot of ways TikTok is an American company. To operate here it has to be structured and registered in the US. It just has foreign investment. If they can do it to TikTok (single out a company) they can do it to American companies. They just have to find some secondary reason to dislike you. Is Lemmy next if we say Free Palestine on here? All so that Israel can have their Labensraum.
And also a reminder that Switzerland flirted with actual nazism. Remember that whole “neutral” during WWII thing. That was really finlandization of Switzerland from western powers. They operated inside the German economic block.
So telling a swiss company that Trump is a nazi and association with anything even 0.0000001% a nazi would be outside of what you’d expect for a Swiss is kind of funny.
The only thing Nazi-like about Trump is his support of Israel committing a genocide against people who are in the way of Israel’s Lebensraum.
So if I make a better car using customer feedback is the rights to the car really theirs because it was their opinions that went partially into the end product?
IP is a joke anyway. If you put information out into the world you don’t own it. Sorry, you can’t have it both ways. You can simultaneously support torrenting movies (I do, and I assume you do too), while also claiming you own your comments on the internet and no one can “pirate” them.
If you are loosing an argument just mention the Nazis.
I think adults should be able to sign whatever contract they want.
Simple solution. Move to a town that isn’t fully of pretentious haters. You could always live around normal people. But some towns are cursed with these kinds of people.
This is why pirating is justified. If you want your shows to last forever, torrent them, and keep them seeded.
If you think Rust has zero rough edges you might have drunk too much kool aid.
It’s what they looked like, in the good old times.
Too many moving parts to be solid state. Maybe about 10 minutes after one dies.
This logic breaks down when you realize the laptop is mine, and not HP’s or Windows. And any software that is mine, my copy of windows should also be mine and not microsoft’s, can modify my device if I have selected some of my software to do that.
If you don’t use HP and you don’t use windows you won’t have the problem. You should be boycotting HP as a part of BDS anyway. https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp
“But I already bought an HP.” If you had adopted BDS much earlier like you should have you wouldn’t have these problems.
No one would opt-in to having all of their personal files sent to the cloud. But Windows managed to get my father using OneDrive even though he had no idea what it was. He was absolutely pissed when I told him. Somehow that wasn’t enough to get off of windows completely though.
They use dark patterns and cryptic dialog boxes to get old people to opt in.
That’s not what makes websites slow. It’s React.
Retards with React. “I’m optimizing user experience”
Right. And if you depend on them for your logic with cloudflare functions you will never be able to migrate to another CDN.
Never let a vender do anything for you beyond standardized features. That’s why a “selling point” if we go with this guy we can do this… never makes sense. Because if option B can’t do it also you wouldn’t want to do “this”, and you should probably implement it in a more old-school way.
It’s crazy though that the lab leak theory is looking pretty solid so we now have a permanent disease on the planet that humans created.
Besides that one time power goes out more often in California. In Texas you just have a temporary price surge you could treat like a blackout if you wanted to. The difference is it’s less often and you have a choice.
Well that party will always make exceptions for Israel, which is relevant because of Epstein’s and Ghislaine’s ties.
Maxwell’s father had experience in distributing spyware for Israel’s CYBINT, having infected nuclear sites like Oakridge. Basically what Epstein and Ghislaine ran falls under HUMINT, which is the development of human assests (often semi-willing) in foreign countries. Everybody they managed to blackmail is a form of Israeli asset.
They aren’t going to burn Israel’s HUMINT assets in the country. This is who they released the documents to: https://img.gvid.tv/i/2XBnn6G6.jpg
Good luck getting them to give us all the names. Israel is all but caught running an underage trafficking ring targeting the US. All but caught is a lie because they are caught. But no one in the media, congress or government will say it. Just like Israel can commit mass genocide in open day light and we pretend like those who are alarmed by this are unreasonable.