Give them time to lobby and get a friendlier judge and try again.
Give them time to lobby and get a friendlier judge and try again.
Everyone saying they’ve seen this so many times, yet this is my first time seeing it.
Don’t put anyone on a pedestal. Not politicians, not celebrities’, not twitch streamers, not your girlfriend. You can love, respect and even like people, but don’t worship anyone, it leaves you blind to their faults and it’s a pain in the ass being the one on the pedestal in a relationship.
I agree it sucks.
Oh not complaining he’s helping people, which is way more than most Youtubers do so I have no complaints if he gets rich doing it.
They’ve also given everyone with an instagram account a Threads account, so they’re going to be over run with fitness gurus and diet tea selling vegans any minute now.
You need to know which way the shit is floating so you can avoid it.
Also a lot of us users are older and this isn’t our first social media company failing us.
Giving away money so he can monetise the videos and make more money, which he gives away, monetising those videos to make even more money. The guy has literally found a way to print money.
I got to show my niece and nephew the diet coke and mentos thing. It has become a core memory for the 3 of us and was one of my top 10 funnest days of my life. Sharing knowledge is fun.
I’ll give someone with an early model the benefit of the doubt as they might not have realised the heights his assholeness would reach and may have been trying to do right by the environment, but newer models and I’m going to judge you.
Only one generation got to do that though. The post war generation with strong unions. Before that, but like now, unless you were rich, every damn person in the family worked, including the kids and if you were lucky by the end of your 70 hour work week you had enough to pay the rent and feed everyone.
Someone owes some Russian & Middle Eastern Oligarchs a lot of money for his Twitter buying fiasco. Same as Trump did for his fiascos. The business model is just them doing what they were told to do. In this case take down social media.
Someone owes some Russian & Middle Eastern Oligarchs a lot of money for his Twitter buying fiasco. Same as Trump did for his fiascos. The business model is just them doing what they were told to do.
He was born rich, bought businesses where other people had done all the heavy thinking already and marketed himself well. Like Trump is a poor persons idea of a rich man, Elon is a dumb person’s idea of a smart person.
Someone owes some Russian & Middle Eastern Oligarchs a lot of money for his Twitter buying fiasco. Same as Trump did for his fiascos. The business model is just them doing what they were told to do.
Also Allianz, Audi, BASF, Bayer, Zeiss, Siemens oh and Hugo Boss just to name a few. Were directly involved with Nazis using forced labor among other things. Oh and lets not forget Ford in the USA. Produced vehicles for the Nazis, and openly supported them. Lots of companies still around today got a lovely big kick start because of the Nazis.
I can get it to run just fine, it just looks like a game from the 1990s if only the colors brown, more brown and poop brown were used. I’m sure it’s a great game but since the graphics make me throw up 20 mins in and there are no accessibility options I will never get to play it.