Your link has no article, and Video inside Flash file (swf) that itn’t opening in 2024.
And I don’t want to install Flash on my machine…
Your link has no article, and Video inside Flash file (swf) that itn’t opening in 2024.
And I don’t want to install Flash on my machine…
Have you tried Flutter?
I didn’t develop on it, but I’ve used recently one app written in it and it was hot pile of garbage.
It was slow as a slug, and eat lot of CPU. I’ve also checked web eversion and was astonished as it rendered everything into canvas. It’s really poor design choice to render everything by app itself.
I guess it was just buggy app, but I didn’t try other apps in flutter, so can’t compare.
But web demo of flutter UI components with list box was also not so fast. But perhaps it’s just web version. Didn’t know any example of good flutter app.
I’ve just tried Qt based matrix client. Compared to Electron based Element.
It’s nice, snappy, beautiful, and eats WAY less RAM. But it lacks lot of feature. That’s sad.
Then they shouldn’t! Just give users website and be done with it.
Now you can even allow websites work offline and install them “like” an app with proper manifest.
I believe it uses gtk-webview. So on KDE system you would use GTK as a base. But you anyway would have GTK libs in your system.
Is zoom Electon?
It looks like shit and feels like shit. I thought it was native tbh… given how chunky UI is. Looks like GDI programming to me. Or they took design from Android 2 and ported it to Desktop.
I haven’t use any alternatives, and haven’t developed with electron, but I know that there are another alternative – Tauri. It also uses web-view. It’s built in Rust and allows apps to be developed in JS (providing JS api) and in Rust.
What I can say – JS support won’t be cross-platform, like we have with NodeJS in electron. Special debug per platform might be required.
No, it’s not nice decision. It’s more political decision, to force Ubuntu’s own solution instead of alternative.
(I’m wondering if you would be notified for reply in mastodon?)
Test mentions @[email protected]
Suggestion at the end:
<a class="boom" href="https://boom">hehe</a>
Wouldn’t it destroy GoogleBot (and other search engine) those making your site delisted from Search?