Updated this month. Thats where I always go
Updated this month. Thats where I always go
I also return mine but most people around me don’t seem to. You can often find them littering the streets or walkways or even out in the woods unfortunately.
And do you do that?
Donate to the listmakers
This is more akin to forums of old and less like your facebooks, snaps, etc
Can we just not vandalize our national moments though?
Bought a 65inch TV for like $300 at Walmart. Hooked it up to my Pc to watch shows. Works good. Never connected it to the internet and never will. Just need an HDMI cord
Check the settings. There should be some to allow restricted videos
Not all of them, like the gas pedal rivet.
I worked at McDonalds for a few years when I was younger. They didn’t let us get tips.
Why do you need an app store?
What a waste of fuel and cause of extra pollutants for nothing
Computer so tiny cat knocks it off the desk instead
Because if the government wants that data then they are gonna get it. If it’s in another country its a lot more work than just serving them a warrant like it is if they are USbased
My Motorola has it built into the sound settings so you should be able to find other alternatives
Politically I don’t think it makes sense to extradite him because politics is just money nowadays. If money weren’t in bed so thoroughly with politics I would agree but unfortunately here in america, bribery is legal and not looked down upon because we just decided to call it lobbying instead of bribing.
I haven’t found a true replacement yet but there are enough decent other ones :)
Upload all your files to our one drive account instead of the drive that’s physically in your computer and…
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