Theyre pretty fuckin interchangable
Theyre pretty fuckin interchangable
Oh, raw meat for sure. I wouldnt feed a pet raw anything unless I got a vets thumbs up, cooked is safer across the board.
I thought it meant meat, period.
Wait, is it bad to feed pigs meat? I thought they were natural omnivores. Is this about an issue of feeding them spoiled meat? Or is this the whole “feed a body to a pig” thing?
Cause if someones cleaning murders with pigs, they arent worried about its legality.
There is a running cultural gag of mothers doing this to their own children. Which is a running gag because most people with siblings have had their parents do this in real life.
I dunno man, I think my mom loves me more than biden knows sitting presidents. It might just be a common memory glitch that human brains do
Maybe dont skim lemmy while drinking, youve misread this very very very hard
Creators have repeatedly spoken about how their videos and channels get suppressed priority if their videos arent released on a regular rapid timeline. Massive creators with huge followings can push through that by way of having insanely large fanbases who have notifications turned on. That does not change the facts of youtubes prioritization system.
Thats a nonsense excuse, because the autoplay doesnt pause at 2 minutes, and swearing within the time limit doesnt take you out of potential autoplay queue. Its because advertisers dont want swears in proximity to their ads, which is why the video gets demonetized. Youtube themselves said this when they established the policy.
Ok. And? That means literally nothing, youtube pays creators signifigantly less for not meeting the 10 min mark even when the number of ads run is not different. No one gives a shit what you were reccomended. Youtube still runs the same number of ads on 4-9 minute videos while paying the channel less for not crossing the threshold.
“Dissenting” here meaning using a swear word within 1 minute of an ad break, videos under a set length, and new content not dropping every week, in addition to what you normally think the word dissenting means
Fun quirky features are things you make when you have a good product.
These types of features added to things with genuine ongoing problems will always piss off users.
We are inherently violent in the sense that inherently, we need to understand violence.
We arent inherently violent in that we dont inherently choose violence before all else.
We need violence, evolutionarily, to hunt and to stop ourselves from being hunted. We are also a heavily social species, which requires ask first punch later mentalities.
If we were intrinsically violent, we wouldnt have cities. We wouldnt have even reached that level of collaboration before killing one another.
Human violence comes about, largely, due to aggression being the “safer” reaction to fear. Pre society, fear happens when threatened with death, and violence usually stops that. Be it death via hunger so violence kills a meal, or death via predator so violence defends you.
We still have that knee jerk response to fear, but now what scares us isnt actually a death threat. So we accidentally treat the unknown like it wants to kill us.
We arent intrinsically violent, we are too easily scared.
And you prevent fear of the unknown, typically, with education.
Or lose their salaries, as an employee who could have been doing campaign work is now stuck sifting through mail all day.
At that point the goal is to so entirely overwhelm the secretary that they become incapable of doing any real work, needing to wade through mail all day each day to make sure nothing of serious importance is missed in the sea of angry voters.
If you do it right, you actually waste the time of 2 or more employees on their weekly schedule. It literally costs them money to ignore you.
Well, that depends. Do you mean gpt the specific chunk of lln code? Or do you mean gpt the website and service?
Because while the nitpicking details matter to the programmers fixing it, how much does that distinction matter to you or I, the laymen using the site?
… That shouldnt be happening, regardless of chat content
Youre pretty young, huh. When something on the internet from a big company is free, youre the product.
Youre bug and stress testing their hardware, and giving them free advertising. While using the cheapest, lowest quality version that exists, and only for as long as they need the free QA.
The real AI, and the actual quality outputs, cost money. And once they are confident in their server stability, the scraps youre picking over will get a price tag too.
No, they are selling you time in a digital room with a machine, and all of the things it spits out at you.
You dont own the program generating these images. You are buying these images and the time to tinker with the AI interface.
Did photoshop create a portion of my image? Did adobe add a “generate the picture I asked for, for me, without my input beyond a typed prompt” as a feature?
Because if they did, 100% yeah, theyre liable.
… Do you think youre a robot?
And if you tried to sell that, you would be breaking the law.
Which is what these AI models are doing
“I didnt kill him, officer, my murder robot did. Oh, sure, I built it and programmed it to stab jenkins to death for an hour. Oh, yes, I charged it, set it up in his house, and made sure all the programming was set. Ah, but your honor, I didnt press the on switch! Jenkins did, after I put a note on it that said ‘not an illegal murderbot’ next to the power button. So really, the murderbot killed him, and if you like maybe even jenkins did it! But me? No, sir, Im innocent!”
Because I wasnt born yesterday, and dont spend my time with my head lodged firmly up my own asshole?
Look at how broad that legalese is. Ask yourself if auto application would make them more money. Now count what 2 + 2 is on your fingers.