You’re going to have to give more details… Why are you getting logged out? Who’s you’re provider?
You’re going to have to give more details… Why are you getting logged out? Who’s you’re provider?
If you’ve never heard of debian, maybe you need to do a bit more research about the open source world.
https://conversejs.org/ it’s an XMPP based slack alternative.
You said you wanted a list of open source project, this is a list of open source projects.
Then you should really look into setting up a personal VPN. After that what you use to do calendar becomes irrelevant in terms of access.
Who do you want to have access to said calendar?
Have you read some of the posts on there?
That’s great but it doesn’t sound like this is relevant for home gamers ;)
DA-2A works to a point, but if you let the printer sit for a year it might not unfortunately. Like I said print heads aren’t crazy expensive, but still kind of sucks. But hey inkjets still do have their place sometimes.
Just make sure you schedule a test print every couple off weeks to prevent clogs, is a little wasteful but if you get aftermarket ink it’s cheap enough that is worth it, otherwise a new head will run you down around 50 bucks.
TIL EDIT: you can get continuous tank mods for most printers on AliExpress! I might give it a try with mine!
Unfortunately some verification providers don’t allow VoIP SMS numbers, I’d say it’s always about 50/50 whether it’ll work or not very frustrating. But otherwise yeah, VoIP.ms is great! And indeed Montreal based!
Shit for privacy, but that should fix it
Did you run the token generator thing? Worked for me a couple days ago (but not over a VPN).
You need to setup /etc/crypttab
to unlock the disk: https://linux.die.net/man/5/crypttab
Wait until you hear about space age technology!
Do you see the paradox here? You expect to be as proficient as you might be with something you’ve used your entire life with something you’ve only used on and off for a couple of months…
months ago
How long have you been using Windows for?
You’ll want to setup n application password.