Welsh representation
Welsh representation
Error in line 1: You can’t use a reserved symbol in a variable name.
It’s like RAAAiAIIIN
You must hate your doctor for giving you the diagnosis of your illness :P
We rather use Night of Broken Glass or November pogroms, since crystal night sounds euphemistic.
Sorry for the thought police moment
Well, good decisions aren’t his forte, so what else is left there?
Mainz baby!
Mask out the vandalised area and put up a posting "free space available for graffiti art, email your sketch to blabla to get it approved "
Oak, sir, tad, bit, man, hi
I think Spotify is 12€ p month. Let’s say 10€. A new album costs about 10€ digital or 15-20€ as a CD.
So you could buy a new album every month and build up a catalogue.
I buy them used for about 2,50€ an album.
Looks a little like BIrCB
I honestly thought the fifth one was a second Brazilian flag kkkkkkk
It’s not a brand name but a regionally protected signifier. Like champagne.
Wow. What a terrible shoehorn.
Stinkywink is probably talking about the metal sheet (baking tray in AE?) being nonstick.
Yeh just gimme a cat fur and a plastic rod. I’ll demonstrate electrostatic on a balloon.
Zeg makker.
Velst je het fiets terug?
It’s not about you personally, more about the education system in some countries versus others.
If you want it to be useful for the economy and industry in order to warrant funding, I’ve got news for you:
The majority of modern encryption relies on prime numbers. It is currently speculated but not known, that the number of prime numbers is infinite.
Should it be proven, that there are only a finite amount of prime numbers, all encryption would become vulnerable.