Oh the same bullshit is done here with Loblaws. I don’t care. They have my info every time I use my credit card at their store that’s all they need and it’s all they get.
If I have to pay more because they’re greedy little fuckpigs so be it.
See picture.
Oh the same bullshit is done here with Loblaws. I don’t care. They have my info every time I use my credit card at their store that’s all they need and it’s all they get.
If I have to pay more because they’re greedy little fuckpigs so be it.
My GF laughs because I have no loyalty cards or apps and I laugh that she has one for everything.
Loyalty rewards are bullshit.
And the supreme Court will also side with them anyways. It’s been stacked conservative over the years on purpose. When you lose the courts you lose the country. Look at what has happened with India and Pakistan over the years with their meddling with their legal systems.
Who needs Congress when the supreme Court is behind you?
*wave hands*
As a white middle aged man my privilege is everywhere. The problem is the people that don’t see it everywhere. The world is run by my peers to this day and yet you have some of my spineless peers screaming bloody murder because black people should be offered the same odds getting a job if they’re qualified.
Lol I had one of these from a wrong number. I ended up pissing them off and they stopped talking to me because before they could even get into the scam I had a long winded rant with them about crypto being monstrously useless and I’d never in a million years invest in magic beans.
On I get that. Are ppl that dumb?
What I dont understand is what is the purpose?
I’m 47 and still get morning wood and very horny 24/7 it’s normal for you if it’s always been how you are.
Just so you know though. I exercise and eat right. Smoking, not exercising and eating like shit are all taxes against your future self.
My GF is a student at the university of TikTok whereas I am very much about traditional media. It’s interesting seeing where both succeed and both fail.
That said, you hit the nail on the head. A video on TikTok about some conspiracy bullshit is no different than seeing Bat Boy on the Weekly World News. The problem to me is not just the increased accessibility of this bullshit but the echo chamber around them that keep you engaged.
Trust but verify should be in everyone lexicon.
The problem is education. It’s a fools game to try and control human nature which is the commodification of all and you will always have commercials and propaganda
What is in our means is to strengthen education on how to think critically and understanding your environment. This is where we have failed and I’ll argue there are people actively destroying this for their own gain.
Educated people are dangerous people.
It’s not 1984. It’s Brave New World. Aldous Huxley was right.
I mean in the future it’s a possibility I’ll be fucking Zendaya but that doesn’t mean it’s reality now does it?
History doesn’t repeat. It rhymes.
Buckle in kiddo it’s gonna be a fun couple of decades if we survive it.
What’s funny (or sad) is that 100 years from now this will be looked at the same was as when Ford or IBM supported the Nazis. Their business won’t hurt long term and Tim Apple will be long dead.
Majority of what I watch is on my TV. Phone is fine as is computer because of extensions and/or revanced
Majority of what I watch is on my TV. Phone is fine as is computer because of extensions and/or revanced
I paid for premium recently which helps a bit except now the problem is a lot of the content I watch ppl are doing sponsored segments which I get but at the same time fuck off.
There’s a reckoning coming with social media mark my words. I don’t know when or how but it’s going to reach a tipping point when the destruction is enough.
It is destroying families and communities not government, or science, or policies. People like Elon and Zuckerberg are sowing the seeds that are actively destroying the fabric of society.
I laugh because he keeps extending it too and I sure and shit bet he will extend it again so the next government to come in has a poison pill in killing his gas rebate effectively raising the price of gas drastically overnight.
This is 100% intentional by the OPC. Bunch of fuckwits.
This isn’t an America problem. People do this in every country
This is capitalism not corruption
For everyone here’s a fun thought experience. You have a room with 100 people. In that room is 100$. 1 person (Elon Musk let’s say) holds 95$. 4 people (let’s say various CEO class people) hold $1 each. The remaining 95 people share the remaining 1$.
And yet here we are all fighting because some of our deluded asses think we are going to be one of those 5 people one day.