We could remove the burden of employers to provide health insurance by providing single payer health care.
We could remove the burden of employers to provide health insurance by providing single payer health care.
Millions of dollars that are going to banks every month instead of the local economy doesn’t spur vibrant small business.
You have truly defended your gizmo company sir, a true white knight of fair google. Not cringe at all
Like this response is a good example of the insecurity im talking about thanks
Its not valid complaining, its vitriol towards other human beings for being “fan boys” or whatever, and how stupid they are for not picking their gizmo company.
Because people like to complain. Plenty to complain about android as well neither are perfect.
To be honest the only company I see apple users bitch about is apple.
Im not bashing android i have to use one of their devices for work; it’s ok. The users on social media with the vitriol for apple and their need to defend android is really cringe.
I never mentioned OP
Im not really brand loyal to a gizmo company but the way android users are so insecure makes me never want to get them.
Most green party voters absent a candidate would had voted against oil man Bush.
Seriously i was confused why half his face wasn’t blue
Wait do you think that Bush did a good job? It was a complete failure, we played right into OBL hands. Its even more embarrassing that he basically copied what pancho villa did a hundred years prior, and we still fell for it! I doubt Gore would have bit so hard, and he definitely wouldn’t had invaded Iraq on a fucking lie.
Can he go back and time and stop himself from giving the election to Bush Jr.? I would like to live in a timeline where we avoided that disaster of a presidency
Well he has a good excuse, like all his businesses the real estate was for money laundering.
Its a tool thats finally able to use all that data they have been hoarding effectively. They weren’t collecting it all just to have it and sell you weird t-shirts
Could be making serious hay paraphrasing quotes from “The Meditations” and making witty remarks and saying absolutely nothing of value
I keep an eye on my HOA’s finances, but for the most part they provide a great deal of services for not much cost. Hell the tree trimming alone would cost as much as a full year of dues.
The whole point was to get dollars into crypto so the holders could cash out. The value was never meant to stay.
This is actually great because it makes it easier to catch the stalkers, only the ones stupid enough to use a device which identifies you to your victim.