Also very true. But I’m not convinced it was the right choice, just because the brand is confident in it. UHC likely did research to choose a CEO, and look how that turned out.
Reddit refugee
Also very true. But I’m not convinced it was the right choice, just because the brand is confident in it. UHC likely did research to choose a CEO, and look how that turned out.
This is about the US, the undisputed capital of the fast food world. That is definitely not the case.
I wonder what my “none of that” says.
Seriously though, I haven’t messed with any stickers since the last time I had a chrome bumper (my first car). I’ve never (that I remember) stuck anything on the windows at all. I think stickers on paint just looks fucking stupid as shit, but nothing (besides trucks and work vans) has anything but fiberglass bumpers anymore.
I’ve always had decision paralysis about them ever since. I don’t really wanna say “come rob me”, (not that I own even 1 valuable thing worth stealing besides the car itself- and I don’t even own that yet).
I live in a pretty extremely red area (blue state, but very red region), so I’m not trying to give “please hit me” to probably 70% of drivers.
I don’t want the satanic stuff because I hate religious stuff in all forms, even when mocking Christianity, and I have to park in my parents’ driveway sometimes and while they wouldn’t do anything, I feel like it would be uncomfortable. They know I vote blue, but they still have no idea about the atheism. Yet.
I could do a band sticker I guess. Not that a big chunk of people have heard of it, so who am I metaphorically high fiving?
Right now the car is basically blank. No stickers, no bumper stickers, no decoration, and even the inside is almost completely empty. If you looked in my window you might see the cable that I use to make my android auto wireless instead of wired. But it just looks like a regular charging cord from what you can see easily.
Car is even still (relatively) new, so there isn’t even a “personalized mess”. It’s just empty unless I’ve just recently left a quick grocery trip, which might see me with groceries in the interior floor instead of trunk.
Even has a standard generic state license plate that isn’t customized.
The absolute most you would know about me from coming across my car in a random parking lot is just the kind of car itself being a hybrid, so you could maybe deduce that I hate the entire oil industry’s entire existence.
If I lived somewhere that had a decent amount of chargers, I would have an EV (definitely not a Tesla though, and that would be another thing you would learn about me I guess). I know I could get a home charger too but that doesn’t work in my current situation, so hybrid is about the best I can do for right now.
Hopefully this car lasts me until either chargers are way more common, or EVs themselves are cheaper. And since it’s by far the youngest car I’ve ever owned, and I put a whopping 1k (yes, one k) miles on it in the almost year I’ve owned it, I imagine it will last that long. If the US isn’t a crater before that anyway.
Check-a check-a check-a da eeeeemails.
Isn’t the business model based on getting people to love it when they’re kids and become addicted then, before they’re able to critically think about food, and then coasting on the people that have fond memories of it?
The adults going there now were kids in the 80s and 90s, and remember the old style. No kid gives a rip about a place that looks like this, with no characters or colors. Even today when I see red and yellow together it makes me think of them, but now it’s all gray, brick, and beige, with a dollop of yellow just for the logo.
Personally I like this boring look fine. But damn if it’s not gonna take a huge hit from being loved by generations that have no memory of fast play places and mascots.
Getting rid of the play area is probably good though because I mean really they are gross if you just think for a few seconds. But capitalism does dictate wringing every drop of injury money from anyone whenever possible.
Now while I support draining the bucks from corporations, ruining opportunities for kids to have fun memories too. If only having fun wasn’t so injury-prone.
I mean I’m just trying to help.
Just so you know, this attitude is signing the “I acknowledge I’m stepping in shit and have no right to complain when shit gets on me later” line.
I’m not trying to side with your boss here, this advice is for your own good.
Stop using company phones for personal use. Wtf are you thinking
The entirety of a political right shouldn’t actually exist as anything more than theory. It should be the “dark version” of possibility we tell kids to avoid.
But here we are, actually dealing with their mental disease.
I don’t know what version of a hospital I went to, but I should give it a great review after coming out of it from how deep in it I started. shudders
Didn’t hate Jews, hate the government of Israel.
I honestly wonder what the Christian circle would do if Israel gets wiped out and there is no rapture, Armageddon, or tribulation.
Would they finally admit they’re wrong then, or will it have morphed by then?
This is the kind of thing I would look up if I could just open the book of time and look at the pages past this. Fuuuuuck the lottery numbers, I wanna watch some post and future events, or different timelines.
That’s honestly what I wish afterlife was
We die and wake up, but can travel through time at will, then that version of us dies and becomes 5th dimensional, etc.
I didn’t actually believe this of course, but I wish it was true.
But Nazicide is.
Don’t forget to stand up and say MCDONALD’S.
Wow. I probably have played 4 or 5 on that entire list. And none of them in the past 5 or so years.
It’s still a shitty thing to do for sure. Maybe there will be a new “thing” that starts getting used instead? Ray tracing has gotten way more coverage than PhysX ever did, and imo is like 3% as good or interesting.
Physics actually have gameplay interactions that matter. Ray tracing looks nice, but is so absolutely expensive computationally that (imo) is not even CLOSE to being worth the effort if turning on, even with compatible hardware.
Give us better physics, games! My main time sink rn is Rocket League, and that game is literally nothing but physics. Mostly simple physics, but stuff behaving in a logical way makes my brain a lot happier than better lighting ever did.
I like when y’all grass became an actual object that could be moved around by players, or when tossing an item on the ground actually does it tossed down and colliding with other objects while texting to them appropriately (as in fire starting, or weight holding something down a certain amount). That stuff is potentially game creating, definitely feature drinking.
Has anything AT ALL been affected by “pretty lights” beyond making them pretty? If it has, I’ve never heard of it.
Keep games about a gameplay experience, not just a visual feast. Save that tech for movies or playable stories (ie Telltale type). Focus only on the gameplay experience otherwise. Toss in some ray tracing when you can, but NEVER at the expense of physics. It just doesn’t make any sense.
Kinda. But this “comment” system is more set up to encourage replying to others rather than the original subject.
That would be an easy fix though.
I feel like we can’t use services anymore at all. We need protocols and clients to connect to each other using those protocols and stop using centralized anything at all.
99% of what I’ve done in discord is a private server with like 5 or 6 regulars just to use voice coms in game.
But we already had that with TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, and Mumble. The UIs were fucking ugly as dog shit, but they worked.
Discord just came along and and combined a global (to a set of members) chat room and a voice service, where before those were separate.
Now if something is “just” a website then no one under like 25 will be able to hear of it, much less figure out how to use it. They need apps to be able to communicate.
The problem is that bigger services obviously have a problem of scale with that setup, so they start simple and get a bigger audience, then start the spying with some tiny change no one will check patch notes for.
These days we’re all guilty of that.
Capitalism is again the bad guy here. Monetizing everyone’s actions and identities is the particular issue. No one would feel a need to do this if it didn’t lead to more profits. I’ll bet there are a bunch of companies that started off good and fell to the dark side when they couldn’t control their monetary appetite. (Or when younger employees took on promoted positions and saw opportunity- all they had to do was (cough cough) stop not being evil (cough cough)).
Give him the cancer every kid has. And put a live stream on him. I wanna watch his suffering.
I love watching people getting their payback, the more miserable they are the better I feel.
Him and the whole GOP can split it, there’s more than enough cancer to go around.
I’m ok with during in the world. I’m just not ok with who is bearing it. Is almost never the ones that deserve it.
I’m still hoping that second year is incorrect. I hope at the very most it is equal to the first year.
So many problems cease to exist when he does. Few would come up from the same.
Unless he does and by then Elon becomes the actual president instead of all this play acting. Trump is sucking his cock raw.
Plot twist: this is just OP’s dom texting him, not father.
No I know about yesterday, but it sounded like I was missing previous context. I don’t really know anything about her except for the fact she does country music.
I wasn’t trying to say showing up yesterday wasn’t gross and all. I just wondered about before.
I wasn’t disagreeing with either of you, just adding to the sentiment by suggesting another way to achieve it.
You know all the twitch streamers hate this.
I’m participating in this on principle, but mostly on bankruptness.