Doom on lenses when?
Doom on lenses when?
Subscribing to a multireddit as a community being implemented and promoted as a default experience may solve it. Idk if it should be on Lemmy’s or client’s side, but different communities forming a community-verse that’s subscribable with one tap is, for me, the next stage of fediverse. If they are federated and cache each other, it should be possible to form a united feed. Best case, if you can make just a link combining them into one, so it’s easy to share. It would fulfill this task without multiposting.
Browsing porn, for once, doesn’t really work for me. On Reddit, I did a multi of things I enjoy to combine them, and switch to it without changing accounts. Now I either browse All-feed of porno instance seeing things I’m not into or go to exact user or community. It’s far from what I enjoyed previously. And autorepost bots don’t help it too.
IDing and combining posts into one is not fixing the problem, but covering it under a rug. The best case is to eradicate the very need to post the same meme, article or nude into two communities and then ban spammy accs. At least that’s what I wish for.
Honey, I’m waiting you tonight.
Sorry, I’m busy.
I made something special…
No, I can’t.
Please, just say you cheat on me. I beg.
Sorry, sug. It’s just work. Again.
What a moodbreaker. Fifth time in a row. Fuck your boss.
Actually, he promoted me and said you can move in with me there.
Our quarters within the facility. We can have our time on my breaks. They can even hire you too! They’ve even built a kindergarten there, so we are full served as a young family.
Divorce. Now.
Do you really want to lose your time reading a blob of data with no coherency?
We are both on the internet, lol. And I mean it. LLMs are slightly worse than the CEO-optimized clickbaity word salad you get in most articles. Before you’ve found out how\where to search for direct and correct answers, it would be just the same or maybe worse. <– I found this skill a bit fascinating, that we learn to read patterns and red flags without even opening a page. I doubt it’s possible to make a reliable model with that bullshit detector.
Schedule had some nostalgic value. I remember waiting for a new show or an episode, or having regular news broadcasts or programs at fixed hours. The world was slower, and it takes will not to binge these now.
Why old men are so obsessed with kids? Are they pedo or something?
Why. won’t. you. die. already.
Grass? What grass? I live in industrial city.
Even that Bachman-guy is still not that vile.
Circular saw, the most forbidden snack.
That’s a good case, right, including their formulated nature and distinct language.
I’ve seen it like Michael pushing diversity training sessions onto the office (US) in the first season. Complete misunderstanding and absurd enthusiasm. I bet he would spend a night educating himself about gender and sexuality on the first resources found in google.
Listen, Dwight. Why would you put a sign saying MALE over your desk?
I insist on keeping it. We, Schruttes, are born Schruttes first, and everything else is out of our concern.
But why? Even Jim picked his new gender. Thrice this lunch, actually. Why don’t you play into it to make our space more friendly for gendered people? Just for a day.
You’ve heard me. Go take a break, and return with a new gender of your choice!
It a little bit better as a satiric sketch than it is as a boomer humor. Especially, if Michael gets ridiculed for this senselessness in the end, like it happens every time.
I doubt paypal would work this way in russia or other troubled countries tho. They’ve banned a couple of my friends without stating a reason for being under shithole states. Just crypto feels more reliable than that sort of pp-backed crypto.
The trick is not to say it outloud, otherwise you set a standard for others in the eyes of bosses and they’d think it should be paid less for the same amount of work. Those who can’t adapt become less valued and you don’t benefit that much from that either. When it’s all about wage, it’s better to free your time to work on your own projects or work half-time on remote before your higher ups know, or even some colleagues of a snitchy variety. That’s what the lack of unions does.
Other free services becoming for-profits and add-infested? Sync can set a trend others may follow. As they are first to do so, I’m surprised no one argues thst, as they may set up a degradation of every others’ experience with this platform.
Someone downvoted you for the first paragraph, I guess.
I don’t think Sync impacted the reach of Lemmy just yet (it rolled out how many days before?) but it would, maybe. Especially for those who used it before.
I spat acid not because I’m pissed at people who use it or devs especially, but for not seeing any critique. It seems like an important turning point for Lemmy as a community. And no one bat an eye. I acted as a counterbalance. A mad one, and picked some low-stakes fights. It was funny.
Have a nice day, dude\ss.
How much tho? And is it for a single nut or both of them?
It may snowball into other apps wanting it too? The first to take this step out of blue is asking to face some resistance. It’s natural. I’m surprised no one else is against them.
What are you mumbling, lol. Your reply isn’t even an answer, but some hallucination. Go on, flex your imaginary rich-ness where people applaud you for that. $20 is nothing for me too, but I have some brains to invest it elsewhere. Sync sucks, prove me wrong, lol. Or pay me to change my opinion, lol.
Yes, I think that. Like I wrote of Threadiverse taking over other instances before with their userbase if they get federated (maybe not on that acc). This place needs to be kept safe and sound. 10mil of Instagram users and Sync shills may actively damage it.
It seems like an obvious flaw that’s pretty simple to explain. Car is learnt to operate the infromation about collisions on a set height. The opening between the wheels of a truck’s trailer thus could be treated by it as a free space. It’s a rare situation, but if it’s confirmed and reproduceable, that, at least, raises concerns, how many other glitches would drivers learn by surprise.