Can confirm, long live the Usenet.
Can confirm, long live the Usenet.
At least a few times a week, or when a new album releases when I’m not at home.
Live by the wire, die by the wire(with a 3.5mm plug/jack of course)
That’s a solution i never knew existed, that’s cool as hell.
I’m aware, but raid 1 is mirroring which is redundancy, a jbod offers no redundancy so a backup would be even more crucial to protecting from data loss. Also i never said raid is a backup.
If you haven’t looked into it, and if you already have the disks of varying capacity, check out JBOD. You will have to configure a system for backups however as you wont have parity like raid1
My version of Vanced borked so i updated to revanced, seems pretty much the same to me.
Forking chromium and stripping out all the google tracking is near impossible(for smaller dev teams). I am aware there are valiant attempts at de-googleing chromium but every one of them that i tried was either still phoning home, or ran like shit, or were so behind on security updates that it was dangerous to use them.
That’s like equating evil and evil, both are still Google, both are gonna have mv2 removed (eventually) making web filtering a nightmare. I have all kinds of add-ons that prohibit any scripts from running on a website without my explicit authorization. Mv3 will break that level of security. Chromium=chrome both owned and maintained by Google.
If you are into WebKit (is a port, I’m aware), that browser looks worth giving a shot, what features do you like about it?
Edge is chromium. And safari is still apple only. So you’re last sentence is wrong, but it is indeed super easy to switch to Firefox, or another non-chromium based browser.
Im using my imported Zenfone 9 on AT&T without (much) issue. I did have to change some settings using ADB/terminal as root to enable volte so i can make calls since the phone doesn’t support all the bands used.
Sony Sketch, I’m mildly dyslexic and it’s surprisingly easy for me to read, and looks good too.
I haven’t looked closely at all the bells and whistles of SteamOS. I know it has proton for running games, but how well does it run random software executables i know there’s still a lot of barriers for cross platform interoperability, but I’m not sure how thin those barriers are.
I wonder how well a modern day implementation of this would work considering all the new tools and enhancements to the older tools. I would ditch windows fast if i could just run a Windows binary “native” if a Linux version wasn’t available.
There’s a whole NSFW instance.
Usenet is still quite active. Especially in the piracy field, as a forum for discussion, it’s pretty dead though.
Hopefully the RES folks port to mobile, there’s times when Reddit is the only location for a slice of knowledge.
I mean take a look at it’s spec sheet, i love mine it’s a really solid phone. Only thing i wish it had was a micro sd slot and ir blaster.
Unless they’re blizzard/Activision.