You’d be surprised then. Bill Gates was the richest man and not everyone knew him either. Warren Buffett was too and even less knew him.
You’d be surprised then. Bill Gates was the richest man and not everyone knew him either. Warren Buffett was too and even less knew him.
Maybe in America.
Seems unlikely when exposed to communities like this online, seems very likely when you talk to people who dont go online much.
Prove there isnt. Just because we sit on the internet well connected, doesnt mean the average joe is. As I was saying about not knowing who owns other automotive companies, can you name them all? Can you tell me all their political views? It’s not too hard to imagine someone buying a tesla without researching the company, come on.
And anyone who does or did know about musk owning them before, could have bought the car before he became a prolific nazi. You cant be serious if you think every tesla owner did deep research into elon musk. Thats so out of touch.
There’s tesla buyers who dont even know who musk is or what he does/owns. I dont know who owns BMW, Ford, Volkswagen etc. People could easily decide to buy a tesla and not know.
And using hate to fight hate isn’t always the best, these maga fucks will just use it as fuel for their regime, embarassing them is a much better way, stickers etc sure, but you shouldnt be physically violent to the person.
Do they sell cosmetics and shit? That’s usually the reason why.
Yeah, op just had a very rare experience.
Are there actually any good printers? I would pay more for the printer itself if you just don’t try and scam me afterwards. It feels like a hopeless space.
Then adding too many options is the problem, not having options in the first place.
Yeah, I hate how projects become allergic to options. If you want to push your own agenda with new defaults, okay fine, but never ever remove options, let people keep it how they liked it.
Unfortunately Edge is the 2nd most popular browser, with double the market share of Firefox.
I thought we were having a bit of a joke, but then you really went and gave me a gift of paragraphs.
I think the creator was keeping the joke running by saying that. The word gift is why people prefer to say gif over jif, it’s how we were taught to pronounce “gif”. The rest of the g words are irrelevant to be honest.
I always thought the G stood for graphics, but now I know it stands for giraffics.
It would be absurd to record calls, the expense of it isnt worth it.
I doubt it too, but it’s okay, I mostly use it for calls anyway. The messages are just organising times.
It has had one, TeamSpeak 5 and now they are adding screen-sharing with TeamSpeak 6. I think they would have held a good market if they worked on an upgrade sooner, they only released a beta for TS5 once Discord had gotten super popular. If they were more proactive I think most of us would be using TeamSpeak instead now. It’s just borderline impossible to convince people to move service.
Can you provide a source then if it isn’t true? I am genuinely curious.
And yes, they did publish the code for their e2ee protocol.
The whole internet is the same, unless you are running all your own built software that you can vet, you are just putting faith in what a company/individual is telling you. If you want to use the internet, there’s always the inherent risk your data is being collected and sold without you knowing.
I’m not saying it’s a perfect service, I’d rather all private messages be E2E encrypted, but there’s no evidence Discord themselves have ever sold any data, so I don’t understand why we are making crazy claims when them collecting data is a privacy issue enough on it’s own.
Calls recently got encryption, so while Discord is as popular as it is, we can only hope they keep expanding encryption into other areas.
Source? The only record of data being sold I remember is some 3rd-party that scraped public servers.
How is your move to the UK going? How do you find it compared to the US?
Yeah. You know the saying “living under a rock”? The people in this thread have never even looked under the rock.