Huh interesting. Move company to a place where you can’t find local workers, use as justification for hiring H1Bs, profit off slave wages.
Huh interesting. Move company to a place where you can’t find local workers, use as justification for hiring H1Bs, profit off slave wages.
Lol no no. How about donate to open source initiatives?
Yeah I’d be insulted. I think a good compromise would be to demand a higher amount, but to be donated to a charity.
Big tech is out of ideas and needs AI to work in order to drive growth.
It’s how much they were overcharging that makes me sick.
I can’t help but assume they’re still making a profit, however small. Which makes me sick.
From Wikipedia:
SearXNG removes private data from requests sent to search services. Result pages do not include advertisements or referral links. SearXNG itself stores little to no information that can be used to identify users.
Click bait. From an article last year:
These effects may be troublesome, but they are short-lived; re-ionization occurs as soon as the sun comes up again.
I don’t understand how their decision 3 years ago “worked” and that’s why they’re changing the license again.
I remember reading that the banks who loaned him the money haven’t been able to sell off the debt.
* { display: flex; }
I hate how this is written as if it’s consumers who are responsible for inflation–if we would just stop buying things inflation would go down, hurr durr…
The narrative for the last couple years is that companies have no other choice but to raise prices, but now that people are too poor to afford essentials they magically find a way to lower pieces.
Which starship is this on?
But how’s the java support? If it’s better than vs code then it might be worth something.
I think background checks are usually limited to your police record (any misdemeanors, felonies, etc) and financial situation (declared bankruptcy, etc).
I think basic or even complex stuff is fine in vanilla js.
The problems show up as you scale the team and code base. You can do a large project in vanilla js but you’re going to have to solve a lot of the same problems frameworks/libraries have already solved. Maybe it’s worth it, maybe it’s not.
After that fiasco I can’t believe anyone still uses Wells Fargo.
Because it’s not about getting work done, it’s about having power over your employees.
There’s a “That’s what she said” joke in here somewhere.