gotta keep wirth’s law going strong
gotta keep wirth’s law going strong
just because it is used for stuff, doesn’t mean it should be used for stuff. example: certain ai companies prohibit applicants from using ai when applying.
Lots of things have had tons of money poured into them only to end up worthless once the hype ended. Remember nfts? remember the metaverse? String theory has never made a testable prediction either, but a lot of physicists have wasted a ton of time on it.
we already knew what X was. There have been countless articles about pretty much only all llms spewing this stuff
the model does X.
The finetuned model also does X.
it is not news
again: hype train, fomo, bubble.
so? the original model would have spat out that bs anyway
well yeah, I tend to read things before I form an opinion about them.
they will also ask all criminals to pretty please turn themselves in
ever heard of hype trains, fomo and bubbles?
well the answer is in the first sentence. They did not train a model. They fine tuned an already trained one. Why the hell is any of this surprising anyone? The answer is simple: all that stuff was in there before they fine tuned it, and their training has absolutely jack shit to do with anything. This is just someone looking to put their name on a paper
and only if you’re doing something that has been previously done and publically released
even more. The first 100% of the tech debt is just understanding “your own” code.
alphafold is not an LLM, so no, not really
how to secure your phone: leave it at home. Done
but that won’t trick investors into funding more of it
only one needs to read the data. Only one needs to write it (the receiver)
if you’re found later with a bunch of pirated material, you’re the one who gets prosecuted, not whoever you dowloaded it from
it’s a digital item. You can only make a copy
you are literally choosing to run the software that writes it to your disk. You also (probably) take steps to ensure the uploader does not have access to your disk. You are in control of what gets saved
it was first invented by Tigger, too!