Allowing jail time for movie piracy but none for institutional bank fraud or corporate tax dodging shows what a societies priorities are
Allowing jail time for movie piracy but none for institutional bank fraud or corporate tax dodging shows what a societies priorities are
No I want a steam deck and a dock that lets me also slot in a discrete gpu
The future of pc gaming should be tri upgrade platform
Regular consumer should really only have to worry about upgrading their deck, their connector dock, and their gpu
Hobbyists who like to max out may get into the deck and upgrade that should they wish
I just want to play games on my deck on the go, get home and slot it in so it outputs thru my gpu at 4k60, and literally pick up where I left off when on deck
A triple upgrade platform will allow more consumers to incrementally increase performance without overloading them with info ala pc building
So a kid could start out with the deck, and get a dock, then later get the gpu
During generation upgrades people can decide if they want to get one of the three options for upgrades in the new gen
Unless the worker is vastly underpaid nothing is worth that
While I agree that less mindless work is better as someone from nj, it’s quite nice not having to get out of my car to pump gas when it’s cold windy rainy or snowing or stupidly hot
They also wipe windshields and rear windows for free with the squeegee stick
Maybe in some future where we drive up to automated car chargers that can plug ur car in or auto battery swaps I’ll call gas pumpers redundant but honestly It’s not that bad a deal if it needs a person
While self driving cars seem like a good way for enterprise to bypass the cost of paying a driver, the driver’s other function isn’t just to drive the car, but to be liable for its operation.
I wonder if it’s gonna take an insurance company to push for driverless before we see any driverless cars for sale. And if insurance companies don’t want to be liable then we may never see them.
Newsflash: it’s illegal to conquer
I’m sure mining in space will have its own problems but at least it can’t kill our biosphere
I would agree if mining the rocks on earth didn’t cause ecological collapses and kill off animals and displace indigenous and exploit underprivileged ethnic classes in post colonial hellholes
Asking tech giants to start policing people sounds like it can get bad really quickly…but at the same time letting them do nothing also sounds terrible
No but if you wrote a musical about prohibition, submitted it to apple, but apple rejects it, discourages other producers from picking it up and then apple made a musical about the prohibition, you may have a case. I think the issue is the thematic stylistic interpretation was copied over either intentionally or unintentionally, and the court needs to decide if it’s worth a suit
Something in windows was causing it to be impossible to run docker containers with ease without needing to mess with some virtualization setting in some deep hidden windows settings paanel