They’d need to charge amounts that families can afford for that to work.
They’d need to charge amounts that families can afford for that to work.
must know Java, go, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or rust
Depending on the division you ended up in at the company I work you might need one or more of MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, C#, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, VB.NET, Terraform, Groovyscript, or PowerBuilder.
But if they consistently win it still alter the political landscape such that someone else will have a better chance of enacting actual change in the future.
The two party system is garbage, but if one of the two current parties lost its ability to win entirely then a different second option could appear.
OP doesn’t seem to have responded, so no, but that’s not the fault of the question.
Because of the XY problem. The problem OP is stating may not actually be the source of the issues OP is experiencing.
Finding out what OP is trying to do will better inform a solution and may make the stated problem irrelevant.
I read through it for the details.
It was net negative, requiring 2MW of power to maintain hydrogen plasma in a state analogous to fusion. The major achievement of this particular experiment was doing so without energies equivalent to a fusion reaction damaging the containing assembly.
It was purely a test/demonstration of the containment of fusion-like conditions.
I work at a “Microsoft Shop” in a division that was a previously acquired software developer that used an entirely linux based dev stack.
That stack is still all linux and we basically have to do all our work in WSL. It’s a pain.
Tell that to the person who implemented Tetris in Postgresql.
The canteen at the Costco near me just got rid of straws entirely and uses lids made to drink directly from. Seems like an obvious solution to something that’s barely a problem.
Ads on a service I directly paid for was the line for me as well. I have no tolerance for that nonsense and it boggles my mind that anyone else does either.
If even a tenth of the subscriber base for any of these services cancelled because of ads they’d be gone so fast you’d get whiplash, and yet most people just put up with it.
From the text it seems like a site only gets added to the navigation history if the user interacts with it.
Telling a Debian user that Mint isn’t the most up to date struck me as pretty funny.
For what it’s worth, in that specific example at least JSON parsing has been available as part of the base .NET libraries since .NET 3.
I’ve been using LibreOffice and before that OpenOffice for as long as I’ve known about them being options. It’s honestly baffling to me that any home user would ever pay for MS Office. What on Earth does it offer that any home user could conceivably need?
That’s exactly what we ended up doing. Every story has now become one Fibonacci step higher than it would have been before.
Management where I work finally unbent and admitted that story points were time.
…but also want to continue raising velocity in each sprint.
C# .NET using reflection, integer underflow, and a touch of LINQ. Should work for all integer types. (edit: also works with char
// this increments i
private static T Increment<T>(T i)
var valType = typeof(T);
var maxField = valType.GetField("MaxValue");
var minField = valType.GetField("MinValue");
if (maxField != null)
T maxValue = (T)maxField.GetValue(i);
T minValue = (T)minField.GetValue(i);
var methods = valType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods;
var subMethod = methods.Where(m => m.Name.EndsWith("op_Subtraction")).First();
T interim = (T)subMethod.Invoke(
[i, maxValue]);
return (T)subMethod.Invoke(
[interim, minValue]);
throw new ArgumentException("Not incrementable.");
Not even that. LLMs have no concept of meaning or understanding. What they do in essence is space filling based on previously trained patterns.
Like showing a bunch of shapes to someone, then drawing a few lines and asking them to complete the shape. And all the shapes are lamp posts but you haven’t told them that and they have no idea what a lamp post is. They will just produce results like the shapes you’ve shown them, which generally end up looking like lamp posts.
Except the “shape” in this case is a sentence or poem or self insert erotic fan fiction, none of which an LLM “understands”, it just matches the shape of what’s been written so far with previous patterns and extrapolates.
I’m the primary developer for a third party tool for Elite Dangerous and this is basically my entire thought process when I want to work on it.
I could work on Observatory…
Or I could play some Elite…
Or I could just stare at my screen ineffectually for several hours.
Staring at the screen wins frighteningly often.
My most common use for Google assistant was an extremely simple command. “Ok Google, set a timer for ten minutes.” I used this frequently and flawlessly for a long time.
Much like in your situation it just stopped working at some point. Either asking for more info it doesn’t need, or reporting success while not actually doing it. I just gave up trying and haven’t used any voice assistant in a couple of years now.