Still a very green banana.
never had a non-white president
would love to have had real representation and it would have been cool to see someone that looks like me or the people out of our window here
Obama was as white as Biden and got just as much done like any other do nothing Democrat
just as much in the way of progress as Republicans and both parties need to thrown out
yet the few citizens voting/allowed to vote keep voting for Democrats or Republicans saying their party is right but it is all the same team
obvious neither party is on our side
but that would make a less malleable population that is harder to contain and control
How many more people would have voted Democrat if Harris would have lurched left instead of right the moment she had that first momentum/steam?
If she would have screamed just support for things like living wages this election would have gone 100% different
The Democrats intentional looking piss poor election performance is evidence of the system being rigged
Obvious from the get a Trump win was going to happen and was so by design
Otherwise the Democrats would have fought harder instead of blatantly pissing away every advantage and opportunity that could have guaranteed a landslide victory
or Edge which fully supports Manifest V2
archive, archive, archive
got a 30tb library currently and every time a drive goes down we replace with a drive that is bigger
that is all the Democrats do is ask for time because baby steps and progress does not happen overnight
no not convinced by this or any stupid argument but what is convincing is when the person under question refuses to provide any evidence to support their claim
We reached out to Harris’ campaign, as well as McDonald’s headquarters, seeking such proof — which could include photos or videos of her working at the restaurant, employment records or physical items such as a uniform or name tag. We also looked for public interviews by friends or family members of Harris’ to confirm the story, with no luck.
if she would tell a small lie to trick workers who are underpaid to vote for her what else would Harris lie about
should make a lot of fucks
Aside from the above-mentioned news reports, there was no tangible evidence of Harris working at McDonald’s as a college student. We reached out to Harris’ campaign, as well as McDonald’s headquarters, seeking such proof — which could include photos or videos of her working at the restaurant, employment records or physical items such as a uniform or name tag. We also looked for public interviews by friends or family members of Harris’ to confirm the story, with no luck.
if Harris was being truthful and actually standing in solidarity with the workers would like to think there would not be hesitation when asked for proof
A lying politician is okay as long as they are Democrat?
Research In Progress
Harris has made this claim repeatedly over the years, and multiple reputable news outlets have reported on the story. But, aside from Harris’ testimony itself, there is no evidence (such as a photo, employment record, or confirmation from a friend or family member) to independently verify the claim. Though we’ve seen no reason to doubt its veracity, we’ve reached out to Harris’ campaign and McDonald’s for evidence to corroborate her claim and we’ll update this report when we learn more.
instead of trying to show the public you are on their side because of some false work claim she could instead come out defending workers and shouting for raising the minimum wage to $20 or more or actually going to current worker strikes and striking with them but instead she attends a fancy celeb filled gala where she tells the protesters to shut up
more that comes out about Harris and Walz the more they resemble Republicans like most Democrats these days
another horseshit article trying to avoid the real issue
people are not paid enough and neither party has done a goddamn thing about it for a long time
Open up the “Registry Editor” Program
Navigate to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome
With the Chrome folder on the left highlighted, select Edit/New/DWORD (32-Bit Value)
or, if you prefer, on the right side of the screen in a BLANK SPOT, you can RIGHT CLICK New/DWORD (32-Bit Value).
Name it ExtensionManifestV2Availability and hit enter.
Right click what you just created (ExtensionManifestV2Availability) and click Modify. Set the Hexadecimal value to 2, and click OK.
You’re done, but check your work by opening Chrome, and pasting chrome://policy in the URL Address bar and hit enter. You >
should see the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy, and the value should be set to 2. If you don’t see it, click “Reload Policies” > and/or review your work.
old news but there is new news on this topic
if you overclock that ram 5200mhz is the top that cpu supports if that helps
each cpu supports different max ram speed
nice build
clones are never reliable
always use a fresh install