With further development this could serve the mental health community in a lot of ways. Of course scary to think how it would be bastardized.
Reddit sucks
With further development this could serve the mental health community in a lot of ways. Of course scary to think how it would be bastardized.
You have a GOOGLE phone?!?! Does it notify ICE when you’re near an immigrant? JK
I’d agree that anybody who just takes the first answer offered them by any means as fact would have the same results as this study.
Ever heard of JP Morgan or GE? Doesn’t matter.
The same could be said about people who search for answers anywhere on the internet, or even the world, and don’t have some level of skepticism about their sources of information.
It’s more like, not having critical thinking skills perpetuates a lack of critical thinking skills.
Probably on par with the junk human users are posting
I think this is true for a lot of things. iPhones, Nike, Spam
Yup. Of course there are some risky fpv pilots but it’s always a DJI user, I won’t even call them pilot, that’s doing something stupid and/or dangerous and ends up on the news.
DJI pilots are either very skilled professionals or inconsiderate wannabe photographers. Freestyle quad pilots rule.
What’s Fresh? Freshworks? Never heard of them.
Hm looks terrible
CRM and Marketing
What are the best alternatives for large enterprise?
They need to consult with Wallace and Gromit
I wanna love VR but it makes me sick, which is odd because I fly drones with goggles and don’t get sick even with all the loops and flips.
No delay with the passthrough video? Still can be disorienting. Maybe it’s just me.
Did people get motion sickness from these. I know VR is diff, but the PS VR2 make my head hurt after 20 min or so.
I keep thinking I have some bitcoin sitting on my dad’s old laptop somewhere
I was thinking when cell phones first became foldable
When is it inhumane?