I was looking at it from the perspective of all the failed probes we’ve sent and whether or not the lost costs/missions could be recouped or completed somehow.
I was looking at it from the perspective of all the failed probes we’ve sent and whether or not the lost costs/missions could be recouped or completed somehow.
When one day we get people back on the moon, is there a chance these devices could be brought back online?
For the uninitiated it’s basically a 1:1 clone of Apollo for Reddit. Hell, even the app’s name is derivative!
That said it’s still one of the best Lemmy apps for iOS and is a testament to Christian Selig’s original vision.
My solution for the tv box is unfolding the box inside out and tying it into a bundle if it doesn’t fit in a recycling box. Also maybe don’t put out your boxes right after Black Friday or holidays.
Thank goodness! My parents refuse to move the group chat to anything else.
I kind of did this with sticky notes on the dash during my last road trip. I was travelling through an area I knew would have poor reception at the time, so I made a bullet point list of the main road changes.
It was kind of nice not having to check a screen for directions.
I’ve already seen how ordinary people drive in two dimensions. Three dimensions is an impossible ask.
Got a bit of a chuckle out of Drake’s colour #d0a0e0
That was my immediate reaction as well. I guess the AI author forgot which blog it was posting to.
Hell I’d fund it, but my money is tied up in a landfill at the moment.
Archive formatted for much wider screen.
Reader mode fixes that very quickly.
They said humans.
Technically the lawsuit was against Yuzu. Citra was shutdown by association.
Geeze this guy gets a hobby and buys new clothes, and suddenly it’s hardcore this, hardcore that.
In the past few months, the ownership of open-source projects has been a recurring news subject. For instance, people have questioned control of certain WordPress community projects being in the hands of WordPress’s co-creator Matt Mullenweg. Mastodon is trying to avoid situations where only one person has decision-making powers with today’s new structure.
The steps taken linking Mastodon > Fediverse > Wordpress > Matt Mullenweg makes sense and is the kind of publicity/damage control the platform needs to get ahead of.
ActivityPub integration?
You don’t even need to read the article to know what this will be used for.
Maybe poor choice of words. How about ideologies?
It’s impressive how quick these giants are to pivot on their own morals and philosophies to appease their new masters.
I hadn’t considered the damage from radiation. Thanks for the perspective.