And then, in the case of it explaining how to counterfeit money, the AI gets so excited about solving the puzzle, it immediately disregards everything else and shouts the word in all-caps just like a real idiot would. It’s so lifelike…
And then, in the case of it explaining how to counterfeit money, the AI gets so excited about solving the puzzle, it immediately disregards everything else and shouts the word in all-caps just like a real idiot would. It’s so lifelike…
Love the little exclamation point at the end. We did it, guys! 🎉🥳 🎊🕺
It’s just how things rotate out. Gen X had it, Millenials had it, now it’s Gen Z’s turn. It gets views from older generations who want any excuse to look down on those who’ve come after, and the generation in-question when they see the headline and think “what? Who the fuck is doing that? What are they talking about?”
Get ready for it to go on through the next decade or so.
(That said, it is horseshit, and “that’s how it’s always been” is no excuse to let things continue like that. I wouldn’t mind seeing an end put to it, myself)
That, combined with the number of times I’ve seen a mobile game ad try to open my browser (without the phone even being in my hands, so I didn’t touch shit), makes me genuinely wonder how bad it can possibly get before any authority steps up and holds Google accountable.
…If any authority ever holds them accountable, of course.
Hmm…you may be right. I’ll get my Hispanic friend to run it and see if he gets the same result.
Maybe the mods can restrict it to, like…Windows Wednesday or something.
One day a week, everyone can post about leaving Windows, why Windows sucks, why Windows is gonna fail in 2024, maybe post a picture of their monitor saying “Now Uninstalling Windows,” all the good shit we’ve seen a hundred times by now.
Then, we can all get the hell on with our lives until next week.
Not only that, but if you have no choice but to buy a car with internet connectivity, these are supposed to be the kind of bells and whistles they give to at least make it SEEM like you’re not being completely taken advantage of. It’s like a double-dip. “We’re giving your car connectivity so we can sell your telemetry, AND we get to charge you for all the useful features, too!”
If it costs SO much to maintain these services, cool. I’d be happy to save the poor little car manufacturers money by buying a model that uses no connectivity whatsoever. But, for some reason, they don’t seem to want to offer that. Gee, I wonder why.
Demand more out of them, because they’ll always be looking to get more out of you.
Wow, epic! I rate this comment 5/7 with rice! You’ve won the internet for today, my friend! I’ll pet my heckin chonky pupperino in your honor! You’re breathtaking!
This is better than that time my arms were broken and my mom took care of me (don’t worry, we’re not from Alabama! LOL 😂)
Yeah, I like to think I’m immune to advertising until I see one that makes me think “damn, I haven’t had Burger Restaurant in a while.” The worst part is that I’m fully cognizant of what’s happening, and yet I still want some and it’ll make me think about it for a while afterward, simply because I’m familiar with the food and how it (usually) tastes.
But, joke’s on you, Burger Restaurant! I’m fucking broke, son! Now we’re BOTH having our time wasted
I like doing entire phrases with some rhymes thrown in. Makes it easier to remember them.
“BonyTonyMoansHe’sOnlyGrownLonely” has a shitload of characters, and a full sentence (even a nonsensical one like that) is more memorable to me than a random handful of disparate words.
The more ridiculous, the better. (And, naturally, don’t forget your numbers and symbols)
EDIT: Actually, no idea why I made it all one group of words. So long as spaces are in the password’s character space (and they very well should be if friggin’ emojis are), there’s nothing stopping you from doing an entire, punctuated sentence- other than that we’ve been conditioned not to think of a password that way.
“Skinny Kenny’s friend, Mini Ben, has 20 chins.” That should be a fully-acceptable password with 46 characters (48 if you add the quotes), capital letters, numbers, and special characters.
I get these all the time, too. The fun part is, I’ve never donated to a campaign. I just inherited them from the person who had my number before.
I try not to hold it against Rebecca. She was just standing up for what she believes in.