Have you heard of mesh networks?
Have you heard of mesh networks?
this answer is synonymous with “nothing”
what have you done for your community lately?
Say it with me everyone, INDICES
You really nailed the proportional response this time. It’s crazy that this started with me criticizing your wording, and now it ends with you saying I need “specialized help” like you have any authority on the matter at all. What can I say? My ability to pick out dishonest, manipulative, snake-like people remains on point.
Literally only leftists repond with 5x as much text as whatever you said to them
It’s like I’m psychicly DDOSing you
Is it really impossible to critisize a leftist even the slightest bit without them flying completely off the handle? I only critisized your wording.
“So your point is…”
Perhaps the single most dishonest way to begin a sentence
Everything you read on your computer and outside your home is propaganda.
I’m honestly shocked that nobody has mentioned mesh networks. It might also just scan for any unsecured network it can connect to without informing you in any way. Not connecting your TV to your WiFi is not nearly enough to preventing it from phoning home. You need to open the TV and ground the antenna(e) to physically disable the wireless capabilities. Even then, there may be other antennae hidden under or inside components you can’t disassemble.
Short answer: No. Your smart TV is smarter than you are.