If you replace a short haul flight with a ride on a train you could easily cut carbon emissions by 75% Source
If you replace a short haul flight with a ride on a train you could easily cut carbon emissions by 75% Source
How many PSUs are installed in the Poweredge server? In the manual it says it could be 1 or 2 and the power per PSU could be 1100W so if it is 2 * 1100W then that could explain why the UPS has problems with it.
Check out their road map and the videos of their prototypes. It is very much not a tech bro project :). The first goal isnt event maglev but magnetic propulsion.
If you want to go faster you want to go contactless which means building a whole new, incompatible, network.
retrofitting and hybrid operation seems possible though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevomo
they already built a small working prototype
NetworkManager’s Gnome GUI works with wireguard config files. If you are using Plasma you would need to install some alpha software to do that in the gui but you can always fall back to nmcli which also supports wireguard configs via the import command.
isnt the name of one of the hl2 maps “little odessa”?
Many classical email clients have the option to edit the senders address while composing the email. If the mail server does not allow this you usually get an error message on sending.
Actually using AI gibberish for this might be the best strategy of all, since Reddit seems hell bent on making money with AI training and feeding AI generated text into AI training has been shown to yield increasingly worse results over time. So you make the product Reddit is selling less attractive.
There is a limit on the spacing of the colour bands though. If you want colours then you have to hit the spots where the correct phosphors are and this limits the usable resolution.
So it still uses a MSDOS partition table, interesting. This usually only happens on systems that do not support EFI at all.
Is your BIOS and main board fairly old per chance?
Ok, that looks like a fairly standard setup. I guess taking a look at the boot loader itself would be the next step. When you see the Debian bootloader you could try pressing ‘e’ to view what commands it uses internally to boot. The lines starting with “linux” and “initrd” would be most interesting.
Hi, it would be useful to know what kind of device you are installing on. For a laptop the model and make would be especially useful. If it is a PC then the drive configuration would be interesting (what kind of drive, how many etc.)
Most modern operating systems randomize the MAC.
[citation needed]
having the option to randomize the MAC is not the same as actually doing that. There are also a few downsides to random MACs, like captive portals not remembering you on public WiFis.
You mean server? If so, the server is also open source
That is what i meant. It is OSS but not FOSS because you need a key to start it.
Bitwarden has a FOSS client app and FOSS server apps exist (though the default service is not FOSS).
Syncing 2FA keys brings the danger with it that you accidentally sync the key to the device that is used for the first factor thus making it not 2FA anymore.
If they are all installed in the same wine prefix you could back up everything in one go by archiving the “.wine” folder in your home. that will include all applications installed in wine and all settings for those applications.
if you want to separate them into one archive per app you should look into wine prefixes, otherwise you would need to identify every folder a given app created during installation and archive those together manually, which can be very tedious.
That is mostly because those numbers take the average occupancy level into account. Cars are rarely driven with a passenger in every available seat.