This would be funnier without the literal text explanation and giant red circle
This would be funnier without the literal text explanation and giant red circle
She was the one who chose the stock photo
Sometimes I read certain comments that get me thinking. Are you really this dense? Or are you trying to get a rise out of people?
OBVIOUSLY they didn’t file for litigation themselves my lord
It’s about power. At my last employer, they were making so much fucking money that they knowingly lost money on paying for these surveillance systems. They just enjoy the feeling of having total and complete control over our lives.
Seriously. Anna archives, libby. There are so many open source projects out there for the ereader community
Don’t use kindle? They aren’t the only ebook provider
It’s a good piece of hardware. I do the same thing. Although I recently got a Kobo and I gotta say that I do prefer the kobo slightly better. Kindle is still good shit though
It’s going to remove all individuality and turn us into a homogeneous jelly-like society. We all think exactly the same since AI “smoothes out” the edges of extreme thinking.
News station finds that AI is unable to perform the job of a news station
Remember when Americans make fun of China because the government censors and controls what you can say online? Yeahhhh……
He was murdered. He did not commit suicide.
Few questions:
How far away is the pizza place? Do you live in a remote area? What time of day is it? What are the driving conditions like (snow/rain/other hazards)?
You say you can just pick it up for a quarter of that price. Then go pick it up? Is there anything preventing you? Not saying this is reasonable on DoorDash’s end, but there’s a ton of information we’re missing here. So I don’t understand how people can jump to certain conclusions this quickly.
Yes please support annas-archive!! It is a wonderful project. I can essentially get an epub file for any book (including banned books) I want. They have so much more than that too.
I thought that was Chris Pratt for a second. And wondering why we wanted a lidar enhanced photo of Chris Pratt’s face from a kilometer away.
Well said, and I’m sorry you had to work with them. That sounds like a horrible and soul sucking environment.
But good for you for standing up to your values and knowing when to take action (even if that action is just stopping working for them). Seriously- you should feel very proud of yourself for listening to your conscience and taking action. I have tremendous respect for that, and I think taking action like this says quite a bit about your character.
See everyone? You can do something. You don’t need to be MLK Jr. There are things you can do every single day that can help change things (no matter how small they may seem). Not saying that quitting isn’t a small feet - you are sacrificing a cushy lifestyle and potentially career aspirations, so that makes your decision even more commendable.
Then don’t work for them.
The reason they can get away with this is because they have troves and troves of people who grovel pathetically at their feet like they’re some sort of God to be worshipped in the “career” plane of existence.
Be honest. People want to work for them for the money (not that there’s anything inherently wrong with that) and so they can tell their friends and update their LinkedIn profiles with “I work at Google” to impress everyone else.
There are plenty of well paying, respectable tech jobs that are much more ‘morally noble’ than these conglomerates of parasites that will make you much happier to wake up every morning without having to perform some Freudian ritual in the mirror trying to convince yourself that what you’re doing is “making the world a better place”. Because it’s not. And these other companies won’t have you doing some absolutely dildo-to-ass inducing interview process where you’re essentially giving them labour market data for absolutely nothing in exchange (except to maybe be considered to have someone look at your resume for 0.7 seconds).
This is a major issue I have with tech. I’ve had the displeasure of being in big tech for many, many years after college (while I was still brainwashed) and working with plenty of truly abhorrent coworkers and people I’ve ever encountered. It’s astonishing, disgraceful, and terrifying how many people in tech have absolutely zero moral compass, and pigeonhole themselves into just “thinking about the science of it all” without thinking about the human impact (isn’t this supposed to be the point of advancing science and technology?).
And now look at the state of the world because of this. Fucking look around you. You can point the finger at others and blame others for this shit world we’re creating (and yes- there are certainly those in power who wield much more influence and control than any lowly coder), but if you want to help change things, you have to try. At least a little bit. And one way to do this is by just trying to not be working for companies like these. Is that really so fucking difficult? Go somewhere else. Trust me- if the Google’s and Meta’s and Amazon’s of the world begin losing genuine talent because workers aren’t morally willing to contribute to a soulless and arguably evil entity, then they will change real fucking quickly.
So - STOP GIVING THESE COMPANIES YOUR TIME AND MONEY BY INTERVIEWING FOR THEM. Take a stance for once and stand by your values and conscience. Think about the type of organization you want to work for and how it would align morally with your values. All it takes is a few minutes to research companies that aren’t so fucking awful for the world, and there are plenty of them around depending on what your values are. I have SO much more respect for others who took a position at a “less prestigious” company than those who worked at a Google.
People will still want to impress others and showcase their egos (to say I’m not guilty of this would be a lie), but if the collective metric for what we consider prestige aligned more with human value output of a company rather than raw salary or profit, then I really do think things could change. But you and I have to put in the leg work. No, it’s not fair that this is the world we were shoved into. But it’s what we have to do.
Anyway….sorry for the rant lol. I needed to get that off my chest.
Yes this is actually exactly how they want to present themselves. More donor money from guess who?