I really like AB. I run it in a container and access it through a VPN. The only problem I’ve run into is that it sometimes won’t download new episodes of podcasts. I have to restart the container or manually check. Anyone know what’s going on?
I really like AB. I run it in a container and access it through a VPN. The only problem I’ve run into is that it sometimes won’t download new episodes of podcasts. I have to restart the container or manually check. Anyone know what’s going on?
Use shift+control+v to paste. Shift+control+c to copy in the terminal. It’s this way because control+c in the terminal is to break out of the currently running process.
You can run vscode in a docker container. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/devcontainers/containers
Scrabble web app
Try Remmina
Jellyfin and rtorrent on a headless linux server. I can help iif u need it
Same for music for me. Only difference now, I get to choose where my money goes. Instead of some streaming company giving next to nothing to the bands I listen to and everything else going to some super popular stuff I don’t enjoy.
Photoprism uploader.
Sorry if this is not correct, I’m not on Apple, but I think ssh is built in. Maybe iPad is different. Here’s a link that may help https://www.servermania.com/kb/articles/ssh-mac