I hate this. There is nothing legitimate about it. It’s one of the biggest insults anyone ever gave me.
I hate this. There is nothing legitimate about it. It’s one of the biggest insults anyone ever gave me.
Oh, they got the Velcros!
On other news: disabled people are choosing not to walk.
I tried Tumbleweed on my old main PC. When I finally got around to upgrade it, I immediately wiped it and got back to my beloved Gentoo (for which the old PC was getting a bit too slow)
Now I have Leaf on the family PC, because they pretty much only need Firefox and occasional LibreOffice and I’m lazy to try to find a different distro.
The law is done dumb. They should update it to say “the banner must always have a “reject all” button which rejects everything (including the legitimate interest) on it and it must not be hidden inside any further clicks”
I’m sick of having to search for that button under two sub menus or having to uncheck 20 check boxes. And what the hell is even “legitimate interest”? There’s nothing legitimate about any tracking at all. This phrase really offends me every time I read it.
And Zydrate comes in a little glass vial
Screen uses Ctrl-a Esc (you press Ctrl+a, release them and then tap Esc, then you can scroll with arrows or pup/pgdown)
Damn, you are so lucky that the downvotes are disabled or you would be downvoted to Oblivion.
I’m a long time Gentoo user. No systemd ever. When my old computer started failing and my Gentoo started falling apart (mostly because I made multiple mistakes when trying out testing versions of Plasma 5 and also due to me not updating for a long time and then getting into a long list of blockers) I installed OpenSUSE (Tumbleweed… Once you go rolling release, you can’t go back. :-D).
In just a few weeks, no idea why or how, it started having a weird problem. When shutting down, every time, it got stuck on some error (waiting for session something, I believe, but I don’t remember really) and it was waiting 1.5min until it continued. No explanation of what exactly it’s waiting for, no way to say “continue now without waiting”… No amount of googling got me anywhere near to finding out what the problem was.
Later I also ran into a problem where I was changing something about hard drives, I changed the fstab too, but for some reason systemd was getting stuck on trying to mount the drives that weren’t in the fstab anymore. Later I found out that it was my fault, I had a line that mounted the drive, and a few lines later I had some mount bind line operating on that first mount or something, but I still think the normal init system would just spit out that it can’t mount that and go on.
*The baby isn’t ready. :-D
Oh. Makes sense.
Why? What’s bad about busses?
Zydrate comes in a little glass vial
One line in there and you can make it add a new line with appropriate /home/userX/.cache tmpfs line to fstab.
Or, maybe a cleaner way, you might make a init/systemd service that, when booting, would run something like
for each dir in /home do
mount dir/.tmp -type tmpfs
I’m not at the computer now and I’m lazy to Google it, so this above is just a pseudo code and probably won’t run.
A complete and total one.
You want ketchup? With lobster?
Also the dumb system that thinks it knows what you want to search and no exact term search feature. Yeah, the search is unusable.