^expensive ^finicky ^garbage
^expensive ^finicky ^garbage
I wonder how this affects homelessness. What surprised me in my country was how much the homeless dependent on those cheap eats for food. How a 2 dollar burger here meant a meal for them, and how a price increase meant extra begging to get fed.
I see what your saying, but I think people don’t realise it actually just doesn’t apply to the rich. I think a number of Republicans are going to be shocked to find out that without money they or someone close to them will definitely be in the firing line.
I have an apostrophe and it’s super annoying as some companies see it as a SQL injection hack and sanitize it.
So I’ve received ID with Mc%20dole or they add a space in it. Or I’ll get a work email with an apostrophe but I cant use it anywhere because sites have it disabled. And I’ve missed my flight because I changed my ticket once to add the apostrophe and the system just broke at the gate.
Worse yet many flight companies have “you will not be able to board if your ID doesn’t exactly reflect your details” but their form doesn’t allow it. Even most forms for card payments don’t allow it even though it’s the name on my card.
I used to believe this, I truly did think that overall there was progress. But I’m worried now because it looks like we’re going backwards, I just hope we don’t slide too far that we legitimately undo it all.
Aw i miss when website tracking was only “xxxx users have visited this page” and it was just a simple counter that counted up.
Unfortunately i think its becoming more a thing, so you have to be careful of future updates as some companies are realising they can put ads on your menu screen now
My guess is either your location or notifications. I’m guessing the first assuming the site isn’t just an outright scam.
I would definitely changw your password, also see if you can check the logs of login as it will sometimes show and you can see if the country aligns.
For what its worth, if you think youre not being hacked. It sometimes ive seen it come up when people use a vpn and are connected by some sort of app. And it flags a 2fa to reconect. Its unlikely but i have seen it.
For what its worth to OP you might want to look at what laws apply in your area. Many countries may indeed be okay with you downloading a song you already own (as per transiet punk) BUT be against you breaking copyright protection (decrypting it).
Aw that sucks
This application looks fine to me.
Clearly labeled sections.
Local on one side, remote on the other
Transfer window on bottom
Thats how you know its old. Its not caked full of ads, insanely locked down, and trying yo sell you a subscription service.
deleted by creator
Well yeah, but the problem is win 10 isn’t built from the ground up to be able to cater for ads inserted into your welcome bar, explorer bar, settings page, start menu and personalised ads … :( we live in the worse timeline dont we.
From what i understand, it actually is a name he came up with in the early 2000s and have tried pushing it before.
It came from a long time ago. See the power of people like Elon was being rich enough they could throw money at shit with little risk and also be rich enough to get smart people to do all the good shit.
But he was the face of it all for a long time, people legit saw him as the person who brought in electric cars (yeah i know he wasnt) and thinking space x is the rival to NASA.
Many people idolized him as a genius.
Then he ruined it, and you know why? Because he opend his fucking mouth just like the podcast you’re talking about and many people saw him for the idiot he was.
The problem? Elon himself believed the bullshit, he hinself thought he was a genius. And now hes trying to “run” things and its all falling to the ground. Because he never realized the only reason he had anything good was because of the actual smart people employed there.
“Not to worry, I have a permit” https://youtu.be/uq6nBigMnlg
Dont know about you, but i had to reset my phone and it fixed a lot of the issues i was having.
I like to open them in either its own browser or a virtual machines browser. One that wipes it’s cache/tracking/etc each time you exit. Its not great but at least it sandboxes it a bit in an area not connected to any of my other data