
  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Many years ago I did post mix installs. Because we were subcontract, it was not unusual to install a system for one company, then replace it under the banner of another company, and then rip that out and install another system on behalf of the first company again.

    I can think of at least 3 different venues in our CBD that I swapped like that.

    What it did was make me real good at ensuring anything I installed was easy to follow and work with afterwards… Cause it was probably going to be me again lol

  • American cars are so bad. We did ~3000k of driving last year in the US and noticed that most of the cars on the road were new. Didn’t take long to realise why - between terrible driving standards causing them to crash regularly, terrible build quality causing the interior to fall apart, and needing to drive EVERYWHERE so you flog the thing out in about 12 months vehicles are practically disposable.

    There were late model cars still rocking the flashing brake light as an indicator wtf lol

  • 99/2000ish i suspect? It was an Optus@Home cable connection when “netstats” was still used. It was sold as an “unlimited” plan, but really it was 10x the average download of your node.

    For us, it really was unlimited because we were the only people on our node for ages. As more people connected, we started hitting the limit pretty regular.

    You could also spy on your net neighbours usage because the cable modem logging (available via telnet and a default username and password) showed every connection on your node. Not sure of the technical side of this - I think because cable was in a daisy chain from node to properties and back?

    Because we were early adopters, sending +++ATH0 in ping packets was super effective too heh.