+1 on Skiff. E2EE intra- and inbound. Great service, greater support. Free custom domains setup (& catchall aliasing!!!). Comes with a Drive, Pages, and Calendar suite.
Hi, my name is Trent. i’m a computer programmer/developer and musician!
English / Español
Website https://luphoria.com
PGP https://luphoria.com/pgp.txt
+1 on Skiff. E2EE intra- and inbound. Great service, greater support. Free custom domains setup (& catchall aliasing!!!). Comes with a Drive, Pages, and Calendar suite.
You’re probably fine, but I recommend just getting a free VPN to keep your ISP at bay. I don’t like Proton, but they do have a free VPN. Google around and you can find some others too, if that one is too slow
Radical political ideologists love the Fediverse and always have, be it anarchosocialists or confederates. Not sure why. I just want shitposts and tech stuff.