Fixing and maintaining a linux box is good exercise. Ubuntu has been sucking, though. I’ve been on a straight Debian for about six months now.
Vibin’ in my Lost River habitat.
Fixing and maintaining a linux box is good exercise. Ubuntu has been sucking, though. I’ve been on a straight Debian for about six months now.
Evangelicals don’t think that gay people should not exist, they think people shouldn’t do gay stuff. I don’t know what it is with the left, and especially the alphabet mafia, but you guys have a habit of characterizing the slightest disagreement as “they are trying to erase our existence.” That’s not what’s happening. Lighten up a bit. It’s a conversation.
Nobody is trying to strip you of any fundamental civil rights. Perhaps you’re trying to characterize the violation of other people’s fundamental civil rights as your own civil rights, and what you’re sensing is the civil rights of the innocent being protected, which sometimes necessitates not letting you do what you want to do.
Yes, evangelicals, by definition, do not leave people alone. Yes, they are given to harassment, and they need to be checked against it. But what you see at planned parenthood isn’t your typical evangelical, those are activists. And yes, they can be violent, and that needs to be checked. People are free to hold signs, advocate, and form picket lines, but they are not free to interfere with people’s movement, hit people, or project bodily fluids on them. But again, that’s not evangelicals.
Religion doesn’t inflict damage and pain — people do. Conversely, you don’t seem to be able to look at religion and see the structures and advancement it has enabled. It’s not that you can’t know, it’s that you don’t want to.
Can prospective developers use engines like Id Tech 3 or Unreal 2 commercially without paying?
What you described as ideal is what the US is supposed to be, and what you described evangelicals as doing is what evangelicals are actually doing, and doesn’t really rise above the level of annoying. Maybe they are mentally ill, but that doesn’t make them anything beyond annoying.
But people do have a first amendment right to preach. They don’t have a claim to a captive audience, though.
That wasn’t “evangelicals,” alone. That was a lot of different kinds of people, most of whom were women. Roe vs. Wade was bad precedent. If you think women should have the freedom to abort pregnancies without interference, get it enshrined in actual law, not dubious interpretation of constitutional law.
Is that ChromeOS? I don’t recognized the windowing system.
Evangelicals are, at best, annoying. I say this as a Christian conservative. There are other (and better) ways of fulfilling the Great Commission besides arsing people into your favorite flavor of dogma.
That would be a good way to bring about the end of the state.
Does Windows still use GDI? Looks like GDI took a shit.
You can host your own Git server.
My own Git server.
Computer vision was just popping off five years after that, so I would say that it is prescient.
I think there’s a difference here where there’s a reasonable expectation of privacy, and where there is not. Out on the sidewalk, you don’t have one. Selling someone’s CC is a violation of contract law because you do have an expectation of privacy there. So, we have to be very clear, what kind of data are we talking about? “Sharon Thomas visited this site, looked at these items, spent 14.2 seconds looking at that item, then clicked on this link,” I think, is not something you can expect privacy from.
However, there are some things I do think you have an expectation of privacy from, which is the collation and sale of personal information that the customer enters into the site for the purposes of business with that site, like the collation names with addresses, driver’s license numbers, social security numbers (or whatever local equivalents), etc. Another thing is that, and I don’t know if I’m 100% right here, but I believe that when you visit a site, even by typing an address into the address bar, the site you’re visiting is told, by your browser, what site you’re coming from. That doesn’t make sense to me, and that’s not a thing that should exist.
Nonetheless, I don’t think the GDPR is a good fit for addressing any of these issues.
I don’t think they wouldn’t lie if they weren’t anonymous. Liars will put their names on their lies, and these people are kooky feminist ideologues. They’ll literally say anything. There’s no limit to how unplausible their claims can be, while they look you in the eyes with a straight face and expect you to believe it. They are mental.
I’m sure it happens, in some times, and in some places. I just don’t buy the notions that:
I did no such thing. Bold of you to assume every female surgeon has been sexually assaulted in an OR during an operation.
Why? I’m allowed to stand at a street corner and watch people walk by. I’m allowed to count them, and observe the direction they’re going. I don’t need any of their permission to do this. I’m allowed to know who they are, and I’m allowed to tell anyone I want what I saw. I’m allowed to charge money for it, and none of the people I observe are a party to this at all, so why should I need to either not do this, or tell them what I’m doing or ask for their permission to remember what I saw? How is internet tracking different?
What victims? There are no victims. They’re lying. Women aren’t getting diddled in operating rooms during an operation in front of everyone else there. The claim is absurd and outlandish.
You don’t have to give up your rights to privacy to get rid of the GDPR. The GDPR isn’t the reason you have any rights to privacy, nor does it actually effect any. What it effects is an entitlement to be forgotten and to move in anonymity when your identity is clearly observable and memorable. It’s an overreach, and some people don’t feel like dealing with it.
Perhaps a small bash script to iterate through all of the package delivery mechanisms’ for updating everything?