From my experience and expertise, Ambien. Man’s gonna get a knock on the door from the walrus any second now.
You just happened to stumble across the stupidest motherfucker alive. Probably alive. Those risky decisions don’t take themselves.
From my experience and expertise, Ambien. Man’s gonna get a knock on the door from the walrus any second now.
I legit had to look up if brain rot was a legit medical term.
I’m legit infected with brain rot where do i seek help
I like to make an exception for Lemmy though. This fediverse decentralised “”“darkweb-lite”“” stuff is cool af
Gives me child-like excitement
Continue not answering your phone
you don’t owe anyone instant access to your attention at an arbitrary time of day
In South Africa, where I live, everyone is assigned an ID Number at Birth. You need an ID number, thumbprint scan AND proof of address to get issued a SIM card number due to a law introduced called RICA. It was meant to help fight crime. Worried that the government could listen in to calls or read their SMSs, the criminals just switched to WhatsApp, which also happened to become cheaper than SMSs and gained popularity in this time.
The cops never seemed to crack WhatsApp. The only drug busts that happen are when an open secret becomes laughably too open and when they harass every person arriving from South America at O.R. Tambo international airport just to catch the decoy mules carrying 12g of cocaine (total). Every dealer I ever organised with was over WhatsApp.
So now, woopsi, RICA stopped nothing and just became a liability. That treasure trove of fragile data made its way to scammers and spammers. A total net negative.
I’d encourage everyone else in other countries to apply major pushback to any government proposals in this direction.
I imagine there are game devs who were laid off by the studio of the game they are playing getting extra pissed.
Like, they may know why a game breaking bug is happening and how to fix it, but they can’t, because the dipshit CEO wanted another yacht.
The only ads I get are from temu vaguely aligned with my interests
I do not sell drugs, I’m on the other side of that market
flute kinda looks like a fancy penjamin
I like using shotguns in videogames sometimes. I’ve only seen a real one a handful of times.
When Bobby Kotick read this he probably aperture clenched his asshole so tight it burst his prostate.
The majority of us not being able to suck our own dicks ruined humanity.
I will die on this hill.
aren’t most hedgehogs homeless
don’t they just kinda hedgehog around looking for grass or bugs or chicken nuggets or whatever the fuck they eat
A lot of people have trouble getting motivated.
Your comment made me chuckle a little bit.
I ask myself that same question every day. What’s the point of anything? Do I really need to get out of bed, get to work, eat food, climb out of the debt trap I’m in or even browse Lemmy?
Something like this could help ease that daily question from myself. If it doesn’t work, it’s fine. Worth a shot. Free is cheaper than recreational drugs.
Just bulldoze the whitehouse and erect a circus tent
arbitrary npm package:
Still has 7 million weekly downloads
didn’t cross my mind that someone would make a CLI program in js
I mean, I’ve done it, but I am a registered dunce cap owner.
Very cool
My friend from university sends me his Rust code snippets sometimes. Ngl it looks like a pretty cool language.
There was also that tldr reimplemention in Rust that is a gatrillion times faster than the original.
I really want to give it a try but I have executive dysfunction and don’t have any ideas of what I could use it for.
I don’t understand
Why would you do that
Who looks at someone’s Nazi Sex doll t-shit and genuinely chuckles?
The only reasonable reaction is “Wass Der fick, why are you wearing that shit in public, you fuckin weirdo”
Google “asmongold rat clock”
get a cheap decoy phone and exclusively use it for watching mukbang videos and messaging “your ex” (you) to take you back
And at a yacht club, I feel like anyone who does get it, is not going to be someone who can’t make a lifelong pacifist throw their first punch.
(He bought a Java Enterprise Consulting company.)