As a paying customer I will not troubleshoot for them. If I didn’t pay and had the issues with the free version, I would.
As a paying customer I will not troubleshoot for them. If I didn’t pay and had the issues with the free version, I would.
Osmand+ paid for and it doesn’t do it main purpose of loading a map. I will not be providing QA to them since I paid for the product, the product doesn’t work I’m not helping them fix a product they sold me.
Osmand+ paid for it and it didn’t work when I left my house. Useless product that doesn’t do it basic functions. And no I’m not going to QA it for them.
No, I used solely on my phone. It worked fine at home and looked promising. When I went out 2 days later it wouldn’t load anything, was on cell only with excellent 5g data. Tried for about an hour and it just wouldn’t load a map.
I tried OSM and it completely failed. Downloaded the offline region, loaded it up at home fine. Went to the location and the offline map wouldn’t load. Had a connection and tried to load an online map, nothing. Ended up right back using Google maps. I support the concept of OSM, it just doesn’t work.
I gave up selling on marketplace, and donate everything. People messaging you for months asking questions or wanting a refund after they broke it. I’m not your tech support, and no warranty claims. Have heard this is a regional issue and also depends on the category. I will never sell another car on marketplace. Craigslist is great for the anonymity.
I disagree. It doesn’t matter to me if it is bots or grumpy users dow voting. I think the overall benefit of having them treated the same out weighs negatives of abuse. It adds value to the masses vs enabling the individual, yep it comes with feeling bad but that is life. Pushes quality of posts and discussion, some post truly don’t deserve a retort only a downvote. Got to be fair and fair includes the ugly.
For sure, its easier than being present as a parent
Google maps won’t even give me the closest chain store when I search. Directions to the target 13miles away and not the one 1 mile away. That would need to be fixed in order to provide the closest charger for my ev. It’s google so nothing will get fixed
How could you drop a baby? You ever held a baby? How could you not?
Sounds like an abusive partner.
If going to church makes you a Christian, does going in the garage make you a car? Jesus would throw all christians out as they have turned their back on him.
The stupid 150$ apple bt keyboard has to be kept plugged in because the bt is trash. Drops characters when on bt, then just drops connection. Even when plugged in has a slow response vs any of the logitech ones I have.
Overall apple keyboards are junk
All 3 of them
In Oregon this is all too common. As an avid hiker/camper I come across this every weekend. Since covid it has gotten significantly worse here. I have now been shot at 12 times in the NF and BLM land. Idiots here will shoot across and down forest service roads. They bring cars and appliances to shoot, and don’t clean up the mess.
Grew up shooting in the woods here, this is a fairly new behavior in the last decade. There always were some troublemakers, now people are shooting wherever they feel like with no thought of safety. In the last few years is the first time I have ever seen people hunting from their trucks. Have run into over 20 trucks illegally hunting from the roads in the last 2 years.
Guns require safety and respect, this new generation doesn’t seem to have much of either.
Designated areas should be available and monitored for people to target practice.
Half can’t do basic math, that isn’t corporates problem
1st world problems. Totally agree though, there are too many cashiers that need to go back to preschool
We have a finite amount of attention to spend in a day. The each notification takes away a little bit. Add in tik tok and shorts, what is left for real people and life
Totally agree. When Nexus was dropped the switched focus to the casual user.
Then there is the network switching issue thay is still present on PIxels. Switching cell > wifi or the other direction requires a reboot for network. Granted it isn’t as bad as it was a year ago. Still a ridiculous bug thay has been around for years on the pixel