Thanks! Nice to reminisce.
“ I’m as big a critics of our modern capital-industrial system as the next person”
Haha, what’s this from again?
Cool! I‘d also see it as a compliment. That‘s why I was surprised that a fellow luddite would interpret it differently. Alas, it was just this little word that made us stumble. But yeah, the Luddites knew that machines weren‘t evil. But that they would be used to generate more profit and not to lessen their toil
As someone else mentioned, use this shortcut that uses ashell and yt-dlp. It‘s pretty neat:
yeah, let‘s get rid of this antiquated shit. I‘ll cut my legs off and copter out of this ridiculous set
ah, now I get it. You meant ostensible goal
Edit: I also had to look it up )
as a luddite you should know that automation‘s goal never was to save us from unwanted labour. But of course this would have to be accomplished first, before your second assumption can ever come true.
I think this is a good example:
when I open the last comment thread, the comments get pushed up, and I have to scroll a long time to get back to the original comment
Unfortunately I have a problem with expanding comments recently. If I am on the bottom of a comments page and I expand comments there, they expand up and not down. So I have to scroll up again, to find the beginning of that thread.
can you point to any signs justifying your optimistic thoughts?
so if I go to Britain, rob a home, take the loot out of the country and sell it there, it‘s all good?
it still isn‘t a net gain for public infrastructure. which already lacks much needed investment.
much needed? Nuclear Power for AI?
because you have? yeah right
„related to background processes and specific apps“ I notice that a lot on my iPad, too. With Safari for example
This has been going on for a while: