John 3:16. Salvation is by grace, not by works.
I misspelled specific.
John 3:16. Salvation is by grace, not by works.
Pretty much, yeah.
My denomination took that to it’s logical conclusion, that salvation is for everyone irrespective of their religious views.
There’s a card game of it, I play it with my kids and they don’t know why I love it so much.
Anyone know any brand that doesn’t pull this kind of shit in their cars?
fascinating. my boss really bought into the tech bro bullshit, every time we get coffee as a team, he’s always going on and on about how chatGPT will be the savior of humanity, increase productivity so much that we’ll have a 2 day work week, blah blah blah.
I’ve been on his shit list lately because i had to take some medical leave and didn’t deliver my project on time.
Now that this thing is open sourced, I can bring it to him, tell him it out performs even chatgpt O1 or whatever it is, and tell him that we can operate it locally. I’ll be off the shit list and back into his good graces and maybe even get a raise.
does it really need less power? I’m playing around with it now and I’m pretty impressed so far. it can do math, at least.
nvidia falling doesn’t make much sense to me, GPUs are still needed to run the model. Unless Nvidia is involved in its own AI model or something?
I’m sorry. You don’t deserve that from your dad. Get out when you can and never look back.
i’m afraid that the fascists would take the bill up and actually vote to ban masturbation. especially the bible thumpers.
so it’s looking to ban masturbation in mississippi.
I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet
I think it’s up to interpretation. Gotta remember that the entire bible was written and compiled by men, most of whom had ulterior motives. The gospels weren’t written down for hundreds of years after the events described.
So for me, I look at the events that describe Jesus’ actions and words. The overarching theme with him was, fuck religion, Fuck the establishment. He also was described as a sacrificial lamb, which is what was used in the old days to atone for sins.
So if he was killed to atone for our sins, why should it matter if you believe in him or not? I really don’t think Jesus or god cares if you do. If ho loves us all, as the bible says he does, then why would he damn us for simply not believing in jesus? Doesn’t make sense to me.