I upgraded my graphics card to an AMD one because of this. It’s been two weeks for me using Linux for gaming and I love it.
I upgraded my graphics card to an AMD one because of this. It’s been two weeks for me using Linux for gaming and I love it.
iOS likes to autocorrect me randomly. It’s very annoying. Unfortunately, lemmy doesn’t support editing comments.
Gotcha. Your concern is that Ubuntu is behaving in the same way a for profit company like Apple would. That’s valid, especially since Ubuntu is built on the back of OSS.
The comparison to apple makes no sense to me. Apple is actually successful. OSX is usable and popular amongst technical and non technical oriole alike. Now we may not like how apple does business, but I don’t see how the two operating systems are comparable.
Yep. I work exclusively in forks, and all my work is done on my machine, rebased, squashed and then pushed to my fork for a PR. No commits from main are ever touched in my rebase. It’s such a clean workflow for me.
I honestly don’t get why folks dislike rebase. I use it constantly, especially to squash commits so that my pull requests are a single commit that can be reverted easily.
I dislike the constant narrative that these types of actions are by select few. If so many cops can hide their misconduct over years, then others can too.
Already done with mine. Setup obsidian-livesync and configured it on all my devices. It’ll be my first time trying out a markdown note app.