What do people use Facebook for these days? (I deleted my account about 10 years ago so I’m not sure what it’s for now)
What do people use Facebook for these days? (I deleted my account about 10 years ago so I’m not sure what it’s for now)
No that decision is, for most people, made for them. You use the server provided for you by your ISP/work/university or the one that’s associated with logging into your smartphone.
America seems to be a bit crazy.
Pretty sure 0%-10% is standard in the UK. Though a lot of those cheeky service charges are around 12.5
I think vegan did. Not sure if thats on .world though
Just Skutters at the moment really
So, asbestos 2.0?
Opera is not a trustworthy browser and there has been no point in it existing since they stopped using presto.
Eventually it’ll just be a K9 update with a new name and logo.
Very strange. It doesn’t work. I shared directly from the f-droid client droid-ify
Oh weird. That’s shared from droid-ify which is an f-droid client.
Here’s the proper link https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.westnordost.streetcomplete/index.html
Be the change your want to see in the world https://droidify.eu.org/app/?id=de.westnordost.streetcomplete&repo_address=https://f-droid.org/archive
Apparently this shift in strategy worked, since the company is still here.
$3,000,000,000,000 understatement.
Why would you use Google photos as your gallery if you’re not using the backup feature? It’s like the only reason to use it over a different gallery.
As others have pointed out, 40 year tech still beat current tech.
Yeah, same as Alphabet. Neither of these renamed their key product either. Just put a new company on top.
Yeah I agree if you send it without doing any kind of personalisation. I think LLM shine as a template or starting point for various things. From there it’s up to the user to actually make it theirs.
I get what they mean. It can help you articulate what you’re feeling. It can be very hard to find the right words a lot of the time.
If you’re using it as a template and then making it your own then what’s the harm?
True. But even once the last child was an adult she didn’t even have any kind of part time work.
Yeah that does actually sound pretty decent.