Yeah it does
Yeah it does
First off, do not buy a blue yeti, ever. They are microphones specifically marketed towards streamers with disposable income and are, all told, Not Great.
Unfortunately, the fact you don’t want a microphone right in front of your mouth, your budget, and your needs are at odds, so you’ll have to compromise on one element. You’re already compromising on the needs, so that’s out, and you have 2 options:
a condenser microphone is the search term you’re looking for, but they require being quite close to your mouth if you want to avoid ambient noise. They generally require an external amplificator to connect to a PC, and that’s costly, but I think you could fit both in $100. A condenser mic that claims to not need an external amp is probably not really a condenser mic (though they exist, they’re expensive)
the alternative is a shotgun mic. These don’t need to be right in front of your mouth due to wave dynamics engineered to only capture sound in front of them. They’re frequently used on cameras, to capture the sound in front of it but not behind. They’re also really expensive and will definitely need external amplification.
Unfortunately for you, this exact problem is of particular interest to pretty much only people who have “a Sony a7 is an amateur camera” money, so all solutions are quite expensive.
Doesn’t this mean that the system is never up to date? If so, please don’t.
https://youtu.be/Erp8IAUouus explains it pretty well
Not on Google. They work on kagi and I assume they do on DDG/searx etc
Either Seagate is doing it or all the retailers get them from the same source (which may not be Seagate) that is doing it or is contaminated by fulfillment pooling
Pretty much all monitoring solutions on the market track cert expiration nowadays. I get an alert when any of my certs have <5 days left
JS execution in a browser is hardly a problem.
That virultotal report looks completely fine to me, including the behavior tab.
Regardless, imagine what would happen if the firefox pdf reader was vulnerable to a well-known attack (of course there probably exist 0 days but they wouldn’t be burned on you). Any attacker could simply link you a PDF and you’d be infected simply for clicking the link? If this was true, people would stop using firefox because it would be insecure.
He was already a weirdo before the money, well adjusted people don’t create face match or whatever he called it
I feel compelled to ask how you uploaded the sceenshot
I don’t think this is your specific issue but I’m sharing just in case.
Once I had a similar problem and the root cause was basically that in the course of unplugging all USB shit just in case, I replugged my VR headset in a different port. That caused the entire system to become very unresponsive and the logs we’re not helping at all. Maybe you left a bad USB plugged in from something? Probably not but it’s free to check.
You should look in dmesg, it’s always a mess but maybe your issue appears there.
That is without a doubt the single most stupid thing I’ve heard this entire week
Block any and all ads, then it doesn’t matter that they have your data if they can’t make money off of it (they still will do that by creating data aggregates but you can’t control that)
It seems your assessment is correct. You’d be surprised at the speeds you can get on poor wifi when you don’t care about latency. The average speed marching up with your download is a dead giveaway too. The fact that maximum over 5 minutes exceeds it is a bit weird, but it could be explained by some networking equipment in the middle (probably at your ISP if I was to guess) terminating MTUs for whatever reason. A common one is misconfiguring various solutions for capping internet speeds to subscribers, where your local MTU will be set correctly but the outgoing ones will be set to the maximum speed of the link.
Pretty sure the TOR user agent is just default firefox, by design. It’s very easy to detect OS with very rudimentary fingerprinting techniques, a lot of which are blocked by the TOR browser but they can never get them all.
Alright then I’ll do you one better:
Google regularly abuses their market share dominance in browsers in order to push for changes to web standards that benefit them, such as their web integrity api (which would have prevented blocking ads). This is monopolistic behavior, and the largest ad company on the planet shouldn’t get to decide web standards.
As a side note: both firefox and Samsung are paid handsomely (just like apple) to have Google as a default search engine. This also is monopolistic behavior, if you built a better product than them then you couldn’t outspend them to get to the same position.
Google is the default search engine for chrome, and chrome is the single most popular browser at about 95% market share.
That’s cool, I’m glad you are making something you enjoy. The point stands that the average Joe doesn’t actually seek out poetry, be it man or machine-made, and will therefore be an exceptionally poor judge of a poems quality.
Can’t speak to the actual usability of as I don’t have the phone, but supposedly this post has it
Post in thread ‘[Q] Root for Caterpillar-CAT B15’ https://xdaforums.com/t/q-root-for-caterpillar-cat-b15.2263455/post-42170487