I would legit pay $40+ for Firefox… it’s gotta make and keep some promises around security, compliance, configurablity and compatibility, etc. though. It also needs to be a decently long term purchase. I’m not doing it for every version they release, maybe a lifetime license or at least a 4-6 year cadence if it’s a bit cheaper.
Judging by the comments here, my wife and I are anomalies, but I love my Apple Watch. It’s helped my fitness goals, it’s far less awkward when I get a message and on-call notification than digging out my phone, and I can instantly hang up on spam calls/marketers and phone calls coming in when I don’t care to talk.
It also let us put our phone down and leave it somewhere in the house, which has greatly helped prevent doom scrolling and screen time (and increased my mental health). I don’t have to worry about missing a call or message, but I don’t have to have a huge screen in my pocket at all times. I honestly have been tempted to forgo a smartphone and just get an LTE watch instead to break that cycle, but my job requires it at this time.
All that said, I’ve got a Series 4. It’s now 6+ years old, still works fine, does everything I need and more and still lasts the day without battery issues. It’s been a solid performer and I’m keeping it as long as I can because that’s what you do with a watch.