The LG flex had a flexible and self-healing screen in 2013
The LG flex had a flexible and self-healing screen in 2013
The patient fully embraced the Elon propaganda and spouted his praises on the dozens of media interviews he agreed to.
No sympathy for someone who invited a leopard into their house to catch the mice
Volunteering is a common graduation requirement for American high schools and liberal arts college courses.
Got to get them nice and docile for corporate drone life while they’re still in their formative years.
Shit boomer take
Every time I go to (regional fast food chain) or Taco Bell or something, the line is about 1/5 poors and the other 4 are almost always a $70,000 truck or one of those ridiculous circular BMW/Benz SUVs or a decidedly non-base model Tesla.
The US has reached the point where the “haha look at the poors” food is consumed by the rich and the poors are, well…
It’s honestly hilarious how Americans refuse to wake up to class consciousness, desperately shouting about how all the other countries have it so much worse.
Even the village idiot in Iraq knows the TV media is all propaganda. Meanwhile, US corporations spending millions on campaigns against state bills is completely normal and people actually trust the signs they put up.
Lol. Lmao. This ships going down and taking the whole world with it.
As long as it’s for personal use I don’t think Microsoft gives a shit (beyond what is legally necessary)
They care more that you’re using their software and it stays the default productivity suite for workplaces
You know, the spark of joy I get from this genocide is the fact that liberals are, as they have always done throughout history, supporting the fascists completely.
I’ll try to leave some room for the next wave after I get thrown into the mass grave, after all it’s the least a liberal deserves.
Looks like there is a syntax to set a custom rule to exclude a domain from a particular filter list. Honestly I couldn’t be arsed to figure it out at work and Google has been ruined by SEO but there is a way!!
A dogwhistle for what? Are you aware words have meanings, you can’t just repeat leftist talking points and pretend they support you lmao. That shit only works on fascists
Normies genuinely turn on their Smart TV, watch start menu ads, open the YouTube app, wait 90 seconds for the shitty cpu to load the web view, scroll through hundreds of Spider-Man Elsa brainwashing videos and thinly disguised ads, open a video, watch 3 minutes of ads, straight into a 3 minute sponsor segment. All before seeing any actual content.
And they see no problem with this at all, the thought that you can make ads go away literally does not even occur to them as a possibility.
Humanity deserves extinction, I’m gonna go release some refrigerant real quick
This is a common feature on high-end microphones. Typically there will be some toggle on the mic itself to disable the feedback.
It’s even funnier when you realize flight “attendants” are highly trained critical members of the flight crew.
They are the frontline during an emergency, ensuring evacuations occur promptly and warning the pilots of any issues leaking into the cabin.
Disobeying their orders while in flight is a federal crime.
This was our one chance to round up the murderous anti-mask bioterrorists en masse, throw them in prison, and let God sort them out.
Instead we decided to make flight crew into nannies.