Thank god we’ve got people like you to incessantly whine about it and show how little they care by commenting about how they don’t care.
Not at all more obnoxious than the original post.
Thank god we’ve got people like you to incessantly whine about it and show how little they care by commenting about how they don’t care.
Not at all more obnoxious than the original post.
…yes. That’s exactly what they’re saying. Obviously.
How could they possibly give you a price without knowing anything about your business or the problems you want them to solve?
Also, even if they’re stupid enough to put up their tariff card for how much a Director/Manager/Associate billable hour is, they’re just going to get annoying questions about “Why does a manager need to do this rather than an associate?” as well as the “We think this will take you 7 hours - why are you quoting for 8?”.
Really appreciate the response - thank you.
I just had a handful of domains tick over renewal on Google Domains in the past week, so I suppose I’ll have some time to see what Squarespace is like from an administration perspective before I end up having to commit to renewing with them.
In what way?
Any reason you’re not just sticking with Squarespace?
Maybe wherever you live. In first world countries, it’s fairly straightforward.