I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • So I have a Framework 13 AMD with Mint. Framework on older firmware isn’t the best, but with Mint 22 and by extension 24.04 it’s fine.

    Got mine back in December and had no issues with the installation process. Games play fine though the fan goes to 100% after a bit. But with power profile in 22.1 it can quiet the machine down.

    Other than that and the occasional hiccup. Compared to other laptops it’s the best machine I’ve used. So far no issues with only a few times of opening the terminal to fix minor issues.

  • Steam lets you play your games on the big screen in various ways. But you will need the following.

    1. A device with steam or steam link app installed. Samsung TV use to have Steam Link available but from a quick search might not be available anymore.

    So you will need a device like an Apple TV or Google TV to plug into your TV if you want to wirelessly display your Steam Deck.

    Though in my personal view you may want to just connect the steamdeck itself into the TV with a USBC to HDMI adapter. Plus you can charge your deck while connected to a TV.

    1. a controller if you are plugging in your steam deck

    Steam Deck has high compatibility with wireless controller from official controller from Sony, Xbox, and Nintendo. Plus the 3rd party ones like from 8bitdo are good and work well too.

    My recommendation is Dongle/wireless controller for best experience. But if you must do everything wireless you don’t need a controller but it’ll still work.

  • Is it decent ? Yes

    Should I look elsewhere? Also yes.

    CAD is difficult to understand on a good day, and FreeCAD is a beginner unfriendly implementation of it.

    I personally love it and it’s an excellent tool if you already know what you are doing. If you don’t, it’s a mess of screens and spaces with no rhyme or reason.

    My two cents. Learn CAD first, Google Sketchup or Fusion 360 are good and beginner friendly with lots of tutorials. Then move to FreeCAD to learn the differences.

    That said if you want to just try FreeCAD, this release is the best I’ve used from them.

  • Because printing in Linux both works and is supported and not supported and hope that there are drivers and they work.

    For example, I have a brother printer and in both arch and Ubuntu/mint the printer worked out of the box. But I was missing features like double sided printing. So I had to download drivers for it.

    In arch the drivers were on the AUR, so I was printing is seconds.

    In Ubuntu/mint they weren’t in my package manager, so I had to go to brother’s website and hope they had drivers. Brother did and while it took a bit it did work too. No worse than windows.