Well you see. 1905 never happened, and we are all under Sweden still. /s
Well you see. 1905 never happened, and we are all under Sweden still. /s
Norwegian government loves windows, so yea, I really doubt it. (by it, I mean the government using Ubuntu thing)
Source: I used to work for the Norwegian government
edit: added explanation to “it”, so not to be as confusing to what I refered to.
I do actually know a fair share of people using Linux in my social circle, but a lot of them uses both windows and Linux. My family uses Linux for their private devices, as that was a requirement to get my technical support. And an increasing number of my friends are moving over to Linux.
What I find weird is the sudden increase of 10% (from 18.16% to 29.04%). Like, did everyone get back from vacation after a Linux conversion camp or something?
yet finland has way less linux users per capita
an attempt at an answer:
more linux users = more linux software (and I know this doesn’t mean better linux software)
Or at least attention from the bigger actors e.g., Adobe, Autodesk etc. to make their industry standards available for Linux users
So in theory, one third of everyone I meet should be a linux user. Yet everyone uses windows. 🤔 Am I the 30%?? /sw
That would be a valid option, but only if there are no windows dependencies and the primary user agrees to the change.
With all the Win11 spam in Win10, my grandmother decided to try Linux. She is now a 90-year-old Linux user. Her use case is YouTube and email, and I have to support the system (I had to do that for the win10 system as well).
Have you run a full scan using Windows Defender?
Can you confirm that the worm is actually running?
AV software may remove the installed worm from the system, but not from the drive.
Probably a good idea to reformat the USB drive
PS. if all else fails, nuke and pave (reinstall the computers in your household, including your linux machine)
You should do this offline, as in, quarantine the situation.
This might help https://codeberg.org/unfa/HyperTimer
edit: Video by the creator https://youtu.be/rmUZ_iem1xw
it needs to be manually set, but a script to run this when you launch the app/game maybe?
Spectacle from KDE is also a pretty good default
Appflowy might not be there yet, but it is improving fast
here is an alternative on peertube https://tilvids.com/w/9CNwZ3uDKZJK1NeGsZDgkS
I like your “the glass is half full” attitude, however their signup seems to be broken.
So I tested Remmina some more, and yea, my expectations for the exec plugin were broken. It only runs commands locally, I really thought it was for sending saved commands remotely.
I guess ARD is king, at least from the solutions I know of. Personally, I achieve the “see all screens (or well ssh connections)” and the “send command across all connections” with tmux. And if I need RDP, SPICE or VNC, I use Remmina.
Windows users can use Royal TS, but that is paid and proprietary.
This is more of a hammer as a screwdriver problem, where everyone decided to use chat software as a forum.
maybe, allthough I need to test ARD to see how they do it.
Remmina allows you to run a command on connect, or set up individual commands to execute
Looks like Endless Sky is under GPL license, so definitely FOSS
Veloren is great, there is also Mindustry and Shattered Pixel Dungeon to name a couple of high quality ones.
Spotify is getting worse as well, at least on desktop.
“we are moving the album to a right sidebar, it now only occupies more of your screen”
“we liked the right sidebar so much that we are moving the queue over there as well, we’re also removing useful info like album and artist”
I shouldn’t have to use spicetify just to get basic features back