What kind of barbarian puts a space in their password?
What kind of barbarian puts a space in their password?
Hey now we don’t denigrate vim and nano users. For the nano users, denigrate means to put down.
So chicken nuggets are not chicken nuggets?
Fucking ENS
Honestly I worry about the use of ChatGPT on programmers. Training your eyes and brain to see things takes time. I know the suits just want production but I’d rather have better programmers.
Of course, I could just be old.
The trick is to get project managers to automatically pad you time.
Victim blaming? Who’s the victim?
No sure if you mean government agencies but if you do, there’s definitely oversight. Don’t think that your Congress peoples aren’t in on it too.
That’s a big jump. it’s possible! of course, but some people actually do need the supervision.
You can easily tell if you did something wrong with Towers of Hanoi.
This is Texas. They are afraid of 20 year olds.
No homo
Just become an AI consultant and triple your salary.
Bookworm was unaffected by this though, right?
the bottle doesn’t crush because the air is trapped inside.
no it isn’t. what answer to that question has any value to me as a reader?
Helpdesk? You guys are like the people who have to go and fix a melting nuclear reactor. Necessary but only do it for like a year or two otherwise you get broken.
You would think Trump has zero say in the matter, but the speaker of the house followed his instructions.
So you don’t trust me, but you trust McAfee to give it full control over the system. Yet my software doesn’t work because something is blocked and nothing is showing up in the logs. But when we take off Mafee, it works. So clearly McAfee is not logging everything. And you trust Mcafee but not me? /s kinda.