‘No AI has been involved in creating this article.’ I like that. Reminds of ‘no synthesizers on this record’ of the 80s :D
‘No AI has been involved in creating this article.’ I like that. Reminds of ‘no synthesizers on this record’ of the 80s :D
Just recently I learned that one can also define functions in .bash_aliases. Very handy.
grim + slurp ftw. On my system mod+ctrl+s -> select area by drawing a box -> screenshot saved as shot.png in the Downloads directory where even sandboxed apps can read it. Next shot just overwrites the previous one.
Re Microsoft in general. I had to install Powershell on Linux recently to get a work related task done. It was packaged on the Arch User Repository, so easily done.
Got the task done and went to uninstall Powershell and realised there that the installed size was 186 MB. Checked the installed size of Linux-zen kernel and modules: 143 MB. So this tiny MS command-line utility was heftier than the kernel and drivers for all supported hardware. How do they even manage that?
I’ve had to learn heavy duty bashing for work, and happily did take the plunge. However, they also had me learn PHP and I’ll drop this as a hook and line for OP: you can do shell-script duties with PHP also, and once you hit your head on sed enough times, I hope you remember me telling this. All that string manipulation is much nicer with PHP functions, and for running shell commands there is shell_exec(). :)
I recently discovered kmscon: a hardware accelerated utf-8 & emoji capable replacement for the standard Linux console. Put that on.
Can’t but join in the fun. Meet the Egg Mini. Does all sorts of humble servitude, but the coolest thing is a webserver only accessible via Wireguard through HAproxy running on a Digital Ocean droplet.
I wouldn’t recommend skipping the offering, but purely from a technical standpoint it is unnecessary.
It’s awesome. Seeing aerc getting an update always makes me smile.
My hot tip: initial capital so that your aliases are just a capital letter + tab away. Cache cleanup, update and Bleachbit:
alias Päivi=‘sudo pacman -Suy --noconfirm’
alias Siivous=‘sudo pacman -Sc --noconfirm;sudo pacman -Rns –noconfirm $(sudo pacman -Qtdq)’
alias SuurSiivous=‘sudo bleachbit -c system.trash system.ro tated_logs system.localizations java.cache journald.clean b ash.history’
You assume correct. It wouldn’t be a bad tool for sequencing disco lights and pyrotechnics either, I’d imagine :D
I recall a tool that might have been called Ramme did this. Used it when I deleted my IG account a long while back.
Can’t recommend any, I learned by trial and error on the Amiga circa 1989 :D
Renoise does come with a bunch of tutorial modules and surely there is some good learning material on Youtube.
FastTracker II and a bunch of samples.
i might be wrong, but setting up the steam client as an option in whatever display manager (‘login screen’) one uses would likely work. i’ve done that with renoise the music tracker.
Once it’s really qood I will. Still some way to go, should get back to it.
Same! I’ve been slowly building a pretty solid custom controller setup for it too. Oh, and found a tiny M-Audio USB keyboard from a flea market, also great with the Deck.
It could be that you’re trying to boot images that only do uefi boot? Or is the machine old enough to not support 64-bit stuff? I resurrected my first Thinkpad (2003) with a Debian 32-bit install, that’ll surely boot on yours as well!