All in a day’s work?
All in a day’s work?
I hate the mid-game ads that take up 2/3 of the screen
Try tailscale!
A youtube video from the creator of Tag Studio came up the other day and it looks awesome! I believe it’s still in early alpha
I don’t see the problem, are you extremely tall?
This sounds better than audiobookshelf for what OP is asking
You can try installing audiobookshelf as an audiobook server. You can do lookups from audible there and automatically set chapters.
I’ve been able to use cameractrls from flat hub to control it
I recently purchased the Anker PowerConf C200 2K webcam and it has been great on Linux. Crisp image and no issues with focusing. It’s currently on sale at Amazon
It was a bar that showed the ratio of likes to dislikes
OP probably wasn’t aware it was an SDDM issue. Or even what SDDM is, hence the question.
Oh wow I’m dense
What is it actually?
I was really hoping for dnf5
If they didn’t have the bandwidth, I don’t think T-Mobile would offer home Internet and advertise it as much as they do
The ISP shouldn’t care what kind of traffic is going through the network and show it down by type. It should be neutral to it
This is why we need net neutrality
It was the combination of Nixos btw and tail scale that gave it away
Found a listener of Jupiter Broadcasting
I had the same issue a few weeks ago. Try this in your docker compose
deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: cdi device_ids: -